Taita Gorge Railway

I had a pleasant hour or so when I dropped off the Round Robin Boxcar (shame I had some other commitments and couldn't stay longer.
But I got a few photos anyway :)
An over view of the newly enlarged shed end.

Hard to imagine the front track has only been in a few months

The Boxcar is going to enjoy it's stay.

8) The Yuletime season has begun. Last night, I hosted the Wellington Area Modellers at the Taita Gorge Railway. We had a BBQ and ran trains. Note the visiting Climax, and the touring boxcar.

My Aristo Critter bringing Christmas cheer to the folks at Taita Gorge...... at least this year, we won't be hitting 30°C on Christmas Day (forecast is for low 20's, thank goodness).

Merry Christmas to all. 8)
;) I believe in Santa Claus..... late yesterday afternoon, as I was backing out of my driveway, Santa, in his yellow and red 'Courier Post' sleigh cut me off, and gave me this.

I had resigned myself to getting this post Christmas by then, as the courier usually calls 1000hrs latest. Still, just on 2 weeks from the North Pole (alias Trainworld NJ) to New Zealand. This is one of the 'specials' discussed in Shop Watch, elsewhere on the forum.

A very Merry Christmas to you all, from the crew at Taita Gorge. Sympathies to any members affected by the terrible storms back in the Home Country, just seen the latest on TV.
A bit of post Christmas relaxation..... an afternoon in the garden, playing trains, of course. Here's the new Railtruck out for a spin, coming around Forest Bend

It was not all play, however. I decided it was time to overcome the sinking feeling they were getting at the Four Square Store, and level up the building and surrounding road. The truck stops off for a delivery, as the Climax waits to swing the iron, and head into the bush.

The truck has gone, and the Climax moves off, beautifully framed by the surrounding foliage.

Publication rights for this photo now held by Kalmbach's Garden Railways Magazine (October 2014)
Very pleasant viewing. My track is under many inches of snow right now :(
Still, spring is only five months away ... I can dream
Chris Vernell said:
Very pleasant viewing. My track is under many inches of snow right now :(
Still, spring is only five months away ... I can dream

;) The Railtruck comes with a snowplow...... :D

Photo added to this post 27 March 2014
Another New Year, and another birthday pic at Taita Gorge. The year dawned lovely and fine, but the predicted thunderstorm is arriving. The big tree behind the fence, that was hiding the power wires, was hiding them too much, and had to go.

Between the rolling clouds, the sun managed to shine on Petticoat Junction for a brief second.

This is now 5 years since this thread started, and 14 years since opening day. 8)

;) Shooting the breeze.... what better way than to spend a nice summer evening, wind down the windows (there aren't any, actually), crack open the windscreen, turn on the lights, and tootle off for a run down the track.

Instructions for Railtruck

Before starting...

Check oil and water levels.
Check fanbelts and electrical connections

Hop back in truck, and 'kick 'er in the guts, Trev'

Hop back out.

Check for leaks, and that fan is working.
Close hood.

Hop back in the truck.

Release handbrake.
Engage gear.
Honk the horn, and
Take off.
All the above in an animated way, talking to yourself, in a world of your own..
SWMBO looks on from a distance, before shaking her head, and returning to the house..

Would that be about right?? ;) :D

as long as you we enjoy ourselves!! ;D ;D
:-\ My penance for not attending last weekend's Garden Railway Convention, is to post some new photos to the forum. Family commitments prevented my attendance.

So, here goes.....

The Galloping Goose entering the log siding, a first time photo from this angle.

The work train has been out, dumping a bit of fill here and there.
::) One day, I will get bored of my latest model, and get something new to get bored with... did I really say that?

Meantime, I shall bore you with this evening's shot of the railtruck in the ever changing scenery. Well, I was actually running something else (and had been all afternoon), and this view caught my eye, with a 'railtruck would look good here' moment.

Keen observers will note that the driver was in such a hurry, he hadn't closed the engine hood properly, and his drivers door didn't latch.
Still looking good ;)