UK Railway Signaller and Garden Railway Operator

A will follow with interest!
But with 3 helpers, I am sure all will be overcome.Nice to see the rebirth of your line and I look forward to future updates. Good luck with the vagaries of winter's weather!
I think I have just answered my own question, looking back through the thread I see it described as 'The wonderful Blauturm Faur L18H kit.' Which then begs the questions, where from and what financial outlay?
It's actually an L45H (not L18H kit that was my misremembering).
The L45H was built by Faur in Romania as a 750/760mm gauge locomotive.
In Poland (the biggest population of them) they were classified Lxd2.
The kit was by a German artisan - Blauturm IIRC
He also does the version with pressed steel doors but that looked more complicated to build and paint.
I've finished mine in a Polish style livery with custom works plates and cabside plates from Narrow Planet.