The Woodlock Line

Platform upgrade on the cheap. Last of the stations are improved with new improved platform surfaces. In this case, Hornby cheapy brand platforms. IMG_20220907_145834.jpgIMG_20220907_145820.jpgIMG_20220907_145725.jpgIMG_20220907_145719.jpgIMG_20220907_145705.jpg
Nice photos of Woodlock Logging Railroad in the Garden Rail :)
A little progress with rock removal, to see better where the track can go. The rocks have gone to other parts of the railway. IMG_20220915_180530.jpgIMG_20220915_165236.jpgIMG_20220915_180432.jpgIMG_20220915_172613.jpgIMG_20220915_180453.jpgIMG_20220915_165209.jpgIMG_20220915_165217.jpgIMG_20220915_165222.jpgIMG_20220915_165225.jpgIMG_20220915_165227.jpgIMG_20220915_165229.jpgIMG_20220915_170053.jpgIMG_20220915_172713.jpgIMG_20220915_165202.jpg
Nice progress, the scenery is looking really good.

Just wondered if you had thought about doing the following with our new track layout, as it would give more operational flexibility.

you would only need to add the green or yellow, but it depends of your space, and preference, and if you even want to.

Nice progress, the scenery is looking really good.

Just wondered if you had thought about doing the following with our new track layout, as it would give more operational flexibility.

you would only need to add the green or yellow, but it depends of your space, and preference, and if you even want to.

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I like the idea with the green. Not something that crossed my mind. It probably would have in the pub after 5 pints in 4 years time, knowing me. Watch this space, and cheers. We shall keep this conversation between us, must not get leaked to the other half.