UK Railway Signaller and Garden Railway Operator

It's all looking brilliant this year.A pictorial update.
Thanks. I've put a bit more focus on the track etc this year making sure it's easy to use when I want to. Nothing worse than having to do jobs on the line before running it.It's all looking brilliant this year.
That is is problem with ground level lines. Personally I prefer them, but it does mean a lot of clearing needs to be done before a sessionThanks. I've put a bit more focus on the track etc this year making sure it's easy to use when I want to. Nothing worse than having to do jobs on the line before running it.
Isn't there a law of nature or something that whatever needs to be repaired or replaced is always in the most inconvenient place? Final results look quite nice, though.
Sods law dictates that a railway runs perfecly until you have visitors round then it goes wrong. If you were alone perhaps your railway is haunted?Well. The railway has been an absolute arse today. For no particular reason, everything has gone wrong. Derailments mainly, on the turning circle. Turns out the concrete track bed was causing a rise and sudden drop which certain wagons hated. Complete relay job. It does however look better. Now running ok again. I could have launched it into the next village a few hours ago.....View attachment 329789View attachment 329790View attachment 329791View attachment 329792View attachment 329793