G Scale, 7/8th's, Electronics

It is, or he acts like it is!That's Nigel's!
No you don't.I *really* need to get things done!
Be interested to hear how it works, I suspect it is likely to be watered down external grade PVA with a little washing up liquid to help it spread.A bit of a test earlier in the week has proven to be good. I bought some of this glue for gravel. I have applied it where I have troublesome ballast, that bounces onto the path when it rains, or gets dragged by the hosepipe etc. Working well.
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Eyup, you already have the article I sent you, Paul Duncan.I like the look of your line - if you fancy it being featured in Garden Rail magazine, send a couple of photos to me at and we'll have a chat. We pay for contributions too!
Phil Parker
Editor Garden Rail
P.S. I am on the lookout for G-scale layouts, so if anyone else wants to send in photos, feel free.