Traction engine


British narrow gauge (esp. Southwold and W&LLR)
Country flag
Just happened to be buying some more balsa wood at Blakemere Garden Centre and stumbled across this in the Nauticalia shop.

I`m always on the look-out for lineside paraphernalia for my railway which is set in the 1920s. It was advertised as 1:24 scale but it looks to me to be nearer 1:20 - those are 1:19 figures beside it.

I know next to nothing about traction engines but after a little browsing it looks a bit like one of these:

A McLaren Traction engine from 1882 - but I`m more than happy to be corrected by the forum intelligentsia.
Any thoughts?

Looks More Aveling & Porter General Purpose to me
yb281 said:
Oh wow! Really like that Rik. Thanks for posting, I'll look out for one.
Hi Mel
The assistant looked on the website for a bit more info while I was there and found it was now discontinued. I phoned her since posting on here and she tried to see if any other stores had one in stock but she drew a blank. She's going to check with head office tomorrow. Will let you know if she manages to track any down.

I did a search on t'internet and found that they are listed on Amazon but are out of stock. These tinplate models do come up elsewhere from time to time so will let you know if I see another.

sparky230 said:
Looks More Aveling & Porter General Purpose to me

But mine's got red wheels ...... ;) ;) ;)

Yes, but I think the tyres need weathering! :P
blumming loverly senic item.. me wants 1 ???
Theres something similar under the tractor section here but it has the scale as 1/12th - some of their ideas of scale are a bit odd having said that.
Dtsteam said:
Theres something similar under the tractor section here but it has the scale as 1/12th - some of their ideas of scale are a bit odd having said that.
Looks the same to me - apart from the price - mine was £29.95

Dtsteam said:
Theres something similar under the tractor section here but it has the scale as 1/12th - some of their ideas of scale are a bit odd having said that.
Seen some of the self same stuff in the shops here in Bicester and other towns. About 1:12- 1:14, verging on a caricature of the "prototype" but charming just the same. Probably will look ok on a 7/8ths layout or similar but a bit big for anything in the "G Scale" 1:19 - 1:22.5 area and smaller.

By the way, which Black country's Metalworks are they made in ;) I'm off to my local garden centre to get me one of those traction engines that Rik found, if I can find it. Why do garden centres have such extensive aquatic departments ? Must be to do with global warming :D

Having been to the odd Traction Engine event I am pretty sure that it is not too far out for scale. Traction Engines do come in a bewildering variety of Sizes and Shapes. Enjoy the beast, I think it looks superb.