British narrow gauge (esp. Southwold and W&LLR)

Just happened to be buying some more balsa wood at Blakemere Garden Centre and stumbled across this in the Nauticalia shop.

I`m always on the look-out for lineside paraphernalia for my railway which is set in the 1920s. It was advertised as 1:24 scale but it looks to me to be nearer 1:20 - those are 1:19 figures beside it.
I know next to nothing about traction engines but after a little browsing it looks a bit like one of these:
A McLaren Traction engine from 1882 - but I`m more than happy to be corrected by the forum intelligentsia.
Any thoughts?

I`m always on the look-out for lineside paraphernalia for my railway which is set in the 1920s. It was advertised as 1:24 scale but it looks to me to be nearer 1:20 - those are 1:19 figures beside it.
I know next to nothing about traction engines but after a little browsing it looks a bit like one of these:
A McLaren Traction engine from 1882 - but I`m more than happy to be corrected by the forum intelligentsia.
Any thoughts?