Train shed

Perfect day for outdoor work so I set to on fettling the train shed:

Most of the fettling is on the inside and I didn’t take pix :p
However, I rattled the main door intentionally a different colour than the rest of the building, which I also touched up in places where the first coat was too thin. These are primer coats: Still pondering what the final colours will be.
Now I know I have piano hinge for the door, but I need Heinrich Schliemann to find it :banghead:
Rattled a finish colour on the walls:

The idea being to have it blend into the landscape since it represents “the rest of the world” rather than a place on the Fallowfield Light Railway.
I rather like the idea of painting the door as Wil E’s tunnel, Sean, but I don’t think my artistic skills are up to it :(. Henry’s tunnel, ditto.

Applied wood filler to the worst of the cracks in the ply. Will let it dry until Monday when I’ll sand it and paint the roof.
The bridge is also painted:

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I did think of painting it green too, in keeping with the amenities of the district, i.e. the weedage. However, black blends with the approaches.
The shed is now tarped in expectation of :eek: rain.

Chris, I may be getting ahead of your process, but are you planning to apply any type of roofing material to the top of your shed ?
Chris, I may be getting ahead of your process, but are you planning to apply any type of roofing material to the top of your shed ?
I've been thinking of aluminum flashing, possibly with tar paper under it. The ply definitely needs some cover. I am open to advice.