TrainLine 2011: Harzer Mallet + Fiffi // RhB coaches + flatcars // Curved points

Re:TrainLine 2011 - Harz Mallet

Just when you think that you have enough locomotives for your needs. Still it will be nice to have the proper locomotive on the DunnyReichesbahn (Harz Division) rather than using the Sachen Meyer as a lookalike.

The curve points look usefull too.
Re:TrainLine 2011 - Harz Mallet

And the HSB 99 6101 also?

EDIT: Kiss had made both of these locos in metal, wonder if there is any relationship?
Re:TrainLine 2011 - Harz Mallet

Spule 4 said:
And the HSB 99 6101 also?

What - this one.:bigsmile:

Re:TrainLine 2011 - Harz Mallet

Yup, that one! Stock Nr 2012001 for analog model.
Re:TrainLine 2011 - Harz Mallet

Thats more LGB pricing than Piko. Lets hope these are going to be top notch items. Trainline are going to need some more UK distributors.
Re:TrainLine 2011 - Harz Mallet

Deutsche Reichsbahn said:
TrainLine releases a Mallet for Harz fans, awesome..


I'll have one of those if it's at a halfway reasonable price. Probably just trumped my putative LGB push-me, pull-you loco.
Re:TrainLine 2011 - Harz Mallet

Dont we all Steve.:thumbup::bigsmile:
Re:TrainLine 2011 - Harz Mallet

Axel Tillman put to rest any speculation of Kiss-TL45 relationship over on the Mighty Large Soap forum.
Re:TrainLine 2011 - Harz Mallet

what scale?

from looking thru the catalogue it appears to be LGB-and some items look identical-
they have curved points!
hope this comes to the US
Re:TrainLine 2011 - Harz Mallet

1:22,5. Train Li are your US dealer.
Re:TrainLine 2011 - Harz Mallet

There's certainly some nice stuff coming from Trainline, hopefully Jeremy will be able to get approved as a dealer as Glendale's prices are a tad optomisitic :bigsmile:
Re:TrainLine 2011 - Harz Mallet

There are rhumours about TrainLine using Bühler motors and Luran-S plastics for their locos. That would be good news (if it's true!)..
Re:TrainLine 2011 - Harz Mallet

Deutsche Reichsbahn said:
There are rhumours about TrainLine using Bühler motors and Luran-S plastics for their locos. That would be good news (if it's true!)..

Well that is exactly what Axel Tillman, chief guy at Train Li (USA) stated on the Large Scale site. Piko might have to pull thier socks up.
Re:TrainLine 2011 - Harz Mallet

Most of their stuff I wont need. I'm looking at getting the point lanterns as the LGB ones never work well at all. Yet to see a price on them. However, I really like what they are doing and they seem to know the market.