
Would railbuses, interurbans and railmotors fit into the tram arena?
I thought about converting a LGB street car into a diesel railmotor interurban (or maybe an electric version)
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One of the Denver & Intermountain cars is preserved (I assume it is still there...) at the Colorado museum in Golden....seen here back in (a rather cold) April 1983....

Interurbans would certainly fall into the "Tramway" category, as woud various "Light Rail" operations which would even cover some of the Swiss local lines. You could even include things like this.......

Though I can't say I've ever seen a model of a Tyne & Wear metrocar in any scale!
I have started work on a 2-car Interurban unit following on from the Freight Motor conversion of last year, but work on that, and any other G projects has ground to a halt over the past couple of months for various reasons. Hopefully work will resume again at some stage in the near future.