Good stuff guys

It’s quite good fun once you get into it

The bright colours are good as base layers and highlights.
This is On30 but the technique works in G.
I started with a Bachmann plasticville snap together kit and replaced the deck with scratchbuilt beams, basically the white is scratchbuilt.
I removed some of the snap fit clips later too and then primed it with Halfords red primer
Now it got a heavy 50/50 paint to thinners wash with Tamiya flat brown.
You could still see reddish hues of the primer to give variety.
Then a thinner wash of dark grey especially where moisture would collect nearer the bottom.
A patchy wash of Tamiya Deck linoleum brown as a lighter rust colour especially below joints in the frame.
Finally it was dry brushed with a sandy brown and dabbed with orange on an inch brush, the orange was then flicked down with another 1 inch brush to blend the edges in and stream it down.
Then I added some piers made from blue craft foam. The stones are drawn into it with a hard pencil and then it’s sealed in a stippled plaster coat followed by staining with thin washes for variation and rust stains. Final touch is a little dry brushing with cream on the stones.