Well yes and no, on a Stainz the wheel with the Traction Tyre cannot be entirely relid upon for pickup. Plus the earliest Stainz did not have Track Wipers either.Actually, aren't there 6 pickup points? the 4 wheels and the 2 skates? Pardon my ignorance if I am wrong.
Back to your point, I agree, I run a limited pickup loco... like a Lionel Pacific, so that the short wheelbase depends on the switches having power to the point rails and the frogs... (that loco only picks up from the drivers, no where else... crazy...
As Greg says in post #57 a meter is not always the best indicator to a poor joint.
I rather like the loco and pliers solution which will give a very good indication. Just ensure that the rails that have the track connection on are perfectly clean, test your loco will run back and forth ok on that admittly very short length and slowly then proceederound the circuit fixing each problem as it appears. On your short track on the patio if I remember it this should be a fairly quick process Sarah.