Which Make of Live Steam

OK. I appreciate that some people seem to like the idea of a live steam loco, but I am still yet to be convinced. From what I've seen, it takes about 20 mins to set one up, you get a runtime of 40 mins (or less) during which time you're tending to it like a needy child, then it takes another 20 mins to sort it out afterwards. They cost an arm and a leg to buy and if you want decent slow running you have to add a Slomo device which will set you back another £300.

I suppose it depends on what you run your railway for. I am more than happy with my battery locos. They are up and running almost immediately. I get up to 12 hours running from one charge. They seem to me to be less needy and I can make a decent battery steam outline loco for less than £150 - oh and they run very slowly and are highly controllable.

OK. I'll crawl back inside my box. But I do wonder about this obsession with live steam.

There's a time and a place for everything ;););)

For some it's steam, and then there's some steamers who have to go for coal firing o_Oo_O - JR in Tawa has branched out into coal fired steam and it suits him well

On the other hand, there's some who like the controlability of R/C - which is arguably better than track power in that you never get a dodgy spot of track :emo::emo:

And then, there's the tail-chasers for whom track power is the only way to watch the trains and enjoy the beer at the same time >:)>:)>:)>:)

You pays yer money and you takes yer choice - I do all three :devil::devil::devil::devil::devil:

........ but not necessarily at the same time :mm::mm::mm:
Not all of them need a Slomo to achieve nice slow speed running. A proper load being pulled helps, as does the driver paying attention and learning to run his or her engine properly. Just like the real ones they are modeled after, each one has its own personality and quirks to learn. And THAT is the fun of live steam. Its the closest most of us will get to running or owned a live steam locomotive. To get into live steam in the larger scales like ride on, takes a very healthy bank account or many years of tedious machining and boiler work. Is it for everybody, no, but to most that try it with some proper guidance in selecting their first locomotive, become hooked on live steam. I have both live steam and various engines that used to be track powered that I converted to onboard battery power. For those looking to get into live steam, I would recommend attending a steam up in person, see how various brands and styles of engines run, chat with their owners and learn as much as you can. As one posted, these are not cheap models by any means, so careful selection is important and key to enjoyment. Mike the Aspie