ebay Mike’s expedition THE PICTURES. - Just the pictures please.

'Go west young man'

Having had a refreshing break on the east coast of England, Mike was surprised, when having travelled westwards to Northern Ireland, he was greeted by members of the Bundespolizei.


'We know you are having trouble understanding your own travel rules here,' one explained, 'so Angela sent us over to help. Papers please'
Having shown his Flu passport and having his three thumbprints taken Mike was ready to begin exploring. He caught the next train for Kirchestein, enjoying the rolling green hills that the line passed through.

He was warmly welcomed by Manfred, widely known as,'de fette Zugfuhrer', and his partner. Manfred bore a strong resemblance to other people Mike had met. Even more disturbing, was how familiar Astrid, Manfred's female companion was to someone in the deep recesses of Mike's mind. However, having been received graciously, he thought it prudent not to raise the matter.

'You must need refreshment.' Manfred declared, 'How does wurst and wheat beer sound?' 'There's a joke there', thought Mike but merely answered, 'Sounds good to me'.
Suitably refreshed and entertained, Mike was taken by a local train to Alexanderplatz , from where he was to be transported to Kreisbogen where a new extension was under construction. He spent a few minutes exploring the station before boarding his connection.
At Kreisborgen, it was explained that this new branch was to provide a direct link from the many nearby farms to the large market further down the line. 'People here really do like their trains,' thought Mike. He could have sworn that he saw a shadow of a great cat, but put it down to an excess of high strength wheat beer and wurst.

Whilst there He was invited to one of the nearby farms to meet some of the locals.
In conversations about his travels to date, Mike mentioned Grunberg. 'Ahh', said Astrid, my twin sister Christa lives there, she married the station master .' The earlier mystery solved, Mike updated Astrid about his meeting with her sister.
Early the next morning, Manfred and Astrid took Mike around some of the local sights. These included the picturesque church of Saint Bruno. I have plans for Astrid and myself here said Manfred. Mike thought he detected a frown cross Astrid's face and gripped his newspaper tightly as she edged towards him.


Then, at a well-known beauty spot, Mike resisted the prompting by his companions to give a rendition of 'Edelweiss'.


The day ended up with a stein or three at the weekly beer wagon that had been brought in especially a couple of days early for the visitor.
After a good night's sleep, Mike had a quick look at the Stainz that had been an old favourite of the locals before boarding his mainline train to his next destination.

A large crowd had gathered to watch his departure.
Most of them wondered what this reserved Englishman kept in his bag.
Astrid wondered if this charming and obviously wealthy gentleman was thinking of her.

'I could murder a steak and Adnams.' Mike thought as he made sure he avoided becoming a meal himself for the Triffid-like plant that reached towards him as the train eased out of the station.

So after departure from the previous railway, Mike awake to found that on his long cross border journey, the loco and coaches had mysteriously changed colour.


He left the train at the border station, and was told the the management of the Laverstock garden Bahn had arranged him a sight seeing beer train, complete with a wagon of extra supplies.

this made him very happy


The beer train took him to the local castle ruins, where he could watch other trains racing past from the top of the castle


It then stopped near the local church, which is part way through an comprehensive rebuild program,

After the sightseeing Mike beer train then proceeded to the recently built station.

Here Mike saw a great big yellow thing, he asked “

It’s a crane mate, said the crew,

would you like a demonstration they asked?
Mike eagerly said yes, and before he knew it, he was hanging upside down, very high up.

“It’s a lovely bit of kit isn't it? “ said the crew

Mike response can’t be published here, but the crane was quickly lowered and Mike detached.


After his crane incident he then went to visit the extensive marshalling yards.
“It’s nice to see a busy yard full of wagons”he said.

It was then at this point he was informed that the beer train had to be removed from service, as need replenishing.
luckily for Mike with his unique posture, the nearly finished observation coach was to hand, so that was pressed into service


he then made a final stop off at the goods depot near the border station, where he was allowed to examine the goods facilities

A0C54D23-35F4-46D5-A65D-CEC73D1EDDA7.jpegVery nice he said, he then saw the border train appearing behind the wagons.
He dashed to the station and jumped aboard for his next visit

I see the castle gate still shows the damage from when the Evil Neighbour on his Big Boar stormed it.
Well, Ebay Mike has been enjoying a restful time here in Ernstone. He arrived to the music of "The Barber Shop Boys" , Who were on the platform to entertain him. He was greeted by Mayor Dave, Who was on hand to show him around45D6302C-AACD-4FF8-94AD-95EC14794856.jpeg
One or two people remarked on how alike Ebay Mike and Mayor Dave, they do have the same sir names!........Someone said it was if they had come from the same mould!

Dave took Mike to his accommodation27C0F410-EC5D-4C23-A171-3CC7693914FC.jpeg
Mike was staying at the "Green Dragon', {that is the name of the Guest House, not the landlady!}8E00AEB3-8A35-4091-888F-78F70E09D3FB.jpeg
Mike and Dave ,later visited the signal box593D0D25-FB68-4010-B8D1-3D49B1625BEB.jpeg
Mike was asking Dave why his nickname was 'Tankerman"85AB64D3-2C4D-4386-A6D0-C8F4B6BC8724.jpeg
.......when it suddenly became apparent!EFEC4563-9EA7-45E0-B198-DF1B3B183DF0.jpeg
Mike popped into the local Post Office to get his next travel warrant2258BA9E-761E-4258-B8DB-89F693B8D9E7.jpeg
'Lyn" was on a visit so they offered Mike the chance of a tour of the line before he departed for his next adventureD7B7DC7D-2EF4-4A84-85E2-758F0DBF8BA8.jpeg
It looks as if Mike has finally sat down to enjoy the journey93F117C0-BA1B-4913-B5FD-5A666A18C589.jpeg
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I have somehow managed to add photos that should not be there!!!!! ..........can anybody tell me how to get rid of them. please?........I can not find a 'Delete" in 'Edit"
In "Edit", if you block mark those pics you can then use the Backspace key.

Alternatively, you can use "report" to report your own post, and ask for the pics to be deleted.
I have somehow managed to add photos that should not be there!!!!! ..........can anybody tell me how to get rid of them. please?........I can not find a 'Delete" in 'Edit"
Have you tried right-clicking on the images? I don't know whether that would work, but ...
After a good night's sleep,Mike ventured forth and met some of the locals. First the old boys Moaning Group, where the discussion of the day was the pointlessness of the local railway, and it's dodgy timetable.20210901_174926.jpg
Then on to meet some of the local floozies
Before meeting some unknown gentlemen waiting patiently for a train.
Poor Mike felt a bit small as the locals seemed to be a touch on the large size to him!
Never mind, tomorrow may bring some trains
Lucky Mike, after waiting patiently on the platform20210902_174604.jpg
As th coaches were full (?) He was actually allowed to join the Time Lord on the footplate

He passed the Moaning Club, still chewing the fat20210902_174731.jpg
The blatantly naughty fountain 20210902_174926.jpg
Over Shed Crossing 20210902_175043.jpground the dodgy corner20210902_175325.jpg
And at long last (hah) back on the platform 20210902_175808.jpg
And after all that, it was sausage and chips for tea


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Does Photoshop have a 'I need to cut the grass' filter?

Don't know, but the grass was cut! Unfortunately it seems to be more clover than grass on my lawn, but the insects love it. Next spring, I'm hoping to change the railway somewhat, I might raise it slightly of the ground as the small 200 code rails tend to get over run with crud
Don't know, but the grass was cut! Unfortunately it seems to be more clover than grass on my lawn, but the insects love it. Next spring, I'm hoping to change the railway somewhat, I might raise it slightly of the ground as the small 200 code rails tend to get over run with crud
Make it all clover and there's no need to cut it. That's what I'm going to do.
Mike seems to be very lucky in his wanderings. Yesterday he went to see a rather more impressive set up than the one at his current digs. He even went by car!
A more eclectic selection of goodies than at his current digs!


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