
'Go west young man'
Having had a refreshing break on the east coast of England, Mike was surprised, when having travelled westwards to Northern Ireland, he was greeted by members of the Bundespolizei.

'We know you are having trouble understanding your own travel rules here,' one explained, 'so Angela sent us over to help. Papers please'
Having shown his Flu passport and having his three thumbprints taken Mike was ready to begin exploring. He caught the next train for Kirchestein, enjoying the rolling green hills that the line passed through.

He was warmly welcomed by Manfred, widely known as,'de fette Zugfuhrer', and his partner. Manfred bore a strong resemblance to other people Mike had met. Even more disturbing, was how familiar Astrid, Manfred's female companion was to someone in the deep recesses of Mike's mind. However, having been received graciously, he thought it prudent not to raise the matter.
'You must need refreshment.' Manfred declared, 'How does wurst and wheat beer sound?' 'There's a joke there', thought Mike but merely answered, 'Sounds good to me'.

Suitably refreshed and entertained, Mike was taken by a local train to Alexanderplatz , from where he was to be transported to Kreisbogen where a new extension was under construction. He spent a few minutes exploring the station before boarding his connection.

At Kreisborgen, it was explained that this new branch was to provide a direct link from the many nearby farms to the large market further down the line. 'People here really do like their trains,' thought Mike. He could have sworn that he saw a shadow of a great cat, but put it down to an excess of high strength wheat beer and wurst.

Whilst there He was invited to one of the nearby farms to meet some of the locals.

In conversations about his travels to date, Mike mentioned Grunberg. 'Ahh', said Astrid, my twin sister Christa lives there, she married the station master .' The earlier mystery solved, Mike updated Astrid about his meeting with her sister.
Early the next morning, Manfred and Astrid took Mike around some of the local sights. These included the picturesque church of Saint Bruno. I have plans for Astrid and myself here said Manfred. Mike thought he detected a frown cross Astrid's face and gripped his newspaper tightly as she edged towards him.

Then, at a well-known beauty spot, Mike resisted the prompting by his companions to give a rendition of 'Edelweiss'.

The day ended up with a stein or three at the weekly beer wagon that had been brought in especially a couple of days early for the visitor.

After a good night's sleep, Mike had a quick look at the Stainz that had been an old favourite of the locals before boarding his mainline train to his next destination.

A large crowd had gathered to watch his departure.

Most of them wondered what this reserved Englishman kept in his bag.
Astrid wondered if this charming and obviously wealthy gentleman was thinking of her.
'I could murder a steak and Adnams.' Mike thought as he made sure he avoided becoming a meal himself for the Triffid-like plant that reached towards him as the train eased out of the station.

Having had a refreshing break on the east coast of England, Mike was surprised, when having travelled westwards to Northern Ireland, he was greeted by members of the Bundespolizei.

'We know you are having trouble understanding your own travel rules here,' one explained, 'so Angela sent us over to help. Papers please'
Having shown his Flu passport and having his three thumbprints taken Mike was ready to begin exploring. He caught the next train for Kirchestein, enjoying the rolling green hills that the line passed through.

He was warmly welcomed by Manfred, widely known as,'de fette Zugfuhrer', and his partner. Manfred bore a strong resemblance to other people Mike had met. Even more disturbing, was how familiar Astrid, Manfred's female companion was to someone in the deep recesses of Mike's mind. However, having been received graciously, he thought it prudent not to raise the matter.
'You must need refreshment.' Manfred declared, 'How does wurst and wheat beer sound?' 'There's a joke there', thought Mike but merely answered, 'Sounds good to me'.

Suitably refreshed and entertained, Mike was taken by a local train to Alexanderplatz , from where he was to be transported to Kreisbogen where a new extension was under construction. He spent a few minutes exploring the station before boarding his connection.

At Kreisborgen, it was explained that this new branch was to provide a direct link from the many nearby farms to the large market further down the line. 'People here really do like their trains,' thought Mike. He could have sworn that he saw a shadow of a great cat, but put it down to an excess of high strength wheat beer and wurst.

Whilst there He was invited to one of the nearby farms to meet some of the locals.

In conversations about his travels to date, Mike mentioned Grunberg. 'Ahh', said Astrid, my twin sister Christa lives there, she married the station master .' The earlier mystery solved, Mike updated Astrid about his meeting with her sister.
Early the next morning, Manfred and Astrid took Mike around some of the local sights. These included the picturesque church of Saint Bruno. I have plans for Astrid and myself here said Manfred. Mike thought he detected a frown cross Astrid's face and gripped his newspaper tightly as she edged towards him.

Then, at a well-known beauty spot, Mike resisted the prompting by his companions to give a rendition of 'Edelweiss'.

The day ended up with a stein or three at the weekly beer wagon that had been brought in especially a couple of days early for the visitor.

After a good night's sleep, Mike had a quick look at the Stainz that had been an old favourite of the locals before boarding his mainline train to his next destination.

A large crowd had gathered to watch his departure.

Most of them wondered what this reserved Englishman kept in his bag.
Astrid wondered if this charming and obviously wealthy gentleman was thinking of her.
'I could murder a steak and Adnams.' Mike thought as he made sure he avoided becoming a meal himself for the Triffid-like plant that reached towards him as the train eased out of the station.
