
An excursion past a brewery? What's pleasant about that? The Mosel Marauder will be ROTFL, or possibly arranging a keel-hauling for the excursion organizer.and had a pleasant excursion past the old Brewery.
I think going to a brewery might not be the best of things for MikeAn excursion past a brewery? What's pleasant about that? The Mosel Marauder will be ROTFL, or possibly arranging a keel-hauling for the excursion organizer.
Do you think Mike could fix that balcony handrail while he's there ?and had a plesant excursion past the old Brewery.
View attachment 290377
The trip might occur on the way out of the breweryYes the excursion organiser deferred to the elf and safety rules and thought best to avoid a trip on foot to the brewery.