ebay Mike’s expedition THE PICTURES. - Just the pictures please.

Now this is where poor Mike got confused. He was just getting used to being somewhat on the small side, when suddenly he was vast!20210904_124211.jpg20210904_124325.jpg20210904_124232.jpg20210904_124251.jpg20210904_124325.jpg20210904_124352.jpg
Then, horrors of horrors, like Alice he was suddenly minute again 20210904_151922.jpg20210904_151909.jpg
Whether it was the weather, or something he'd drunk, Mike was very confused!
After a good day out and a nice pie for tea, a tired and worn out Mike hit the hay, and is still there, snoring, this morning. Probably building up some strength for his next adventure.
Now poor Mike really is stuck, his dopey host can't find the list of who's next on the list! Any know?:think:
Now poor Mike really is stuck, his dopey host can't find the list of who's next on the list! Any know?:think:
Last updated 02/12/20

dunnyrail 02/12/20
idlemarvel 06/12/20
Rhinochugger 15/12/20
PhilP 07/05/21
voodoopenguin 08/05/21
JimmyB 14/05/21
playmofire 06/06/21
Anglian 09/06/21
a98087 23/06/21
Tanker man 10/08/21
Paul M
The Shed
Wistow vale rlwy

Mini Mike has made a small confession. Whilst my back was turned, he sneaked of for a ride on the Himalayan Mountain Railway!20210904_141959.jpg
He has severely reprimanded, as you can imagine. Strangely enough, he didn't drop his paper.
That suitcase contains the most amazing, and ever growing, collection of souvenirs from all the worlds Mike's visited.
Come on guys, this is "Just The Pictures" :)
Greetings from the North........

Our celebrity visitor arrived and was met and greeted by Hans the local Station Master...

Meet & Greet.png

Stopped off in the Yard for quick Brew Up!

Yard Visit.png

Out and over the mud flats, Hans assured Mini-Mike absolutely no danger until the tide comes back in!

Out and over in the open.png

Brief stop over to show Mini-Mike his accommodation for the duration of his visit, Heidi and Helga on hand to meet his every need!

Heidi & Helga.png

Must see visit to E.R.N.I.E


Mini-Mike somewhat sceptical of the myth surrounding Bigfoot, he couldn't find any evidence.........

Big foot myth.png

No visit to the Frozen wastelands of the North would be complete, it had to be done!

Had to be done.png

Brief summary of Mini-Mike's visit to Darlington.......

Based in the locality of the R.S & Hawthorn works, on the east side of the East Coast Main Line, just south of Thompson Street in the north part of Darlington, via a tree lined roadway called Wylam Avenue, probably one the widest residential roads anywhere, the turntable was built in this area.

Also a little estate of houses, Locomotive St, Furness St, Ajax St and Hercules St.
Hercules being the name of a locomotive built in 1838 for the Berlin and Potsdam railway.
Ajax the name of another locomotive, and Furness with connections to The Furness line in Cumberland.


Skerne Railway Bridge, being the oldest railway bridge in continuous use in the world.

Skerne Railway Bridge.png

Cleveland Bridge Works, when Mini-Mike continues his globe trotting down under, he will be able say I've been to where they built that bridge!

Cleveland Bridge Works.png

In his former life before becoming an Internet Influencer, used drive vehicles with equipment from here.........

Cummins Darlington Engine Plant.png

Sadly his visit comes to an end..........and will be off to his next destination..........

End of Visit.png
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Mike's train exits the South portal of Jubilee Tunnel . . . . .

. . . . . . . and makes it's climb to Jubilee End Station, on the Wistow Vale Rlwy!


Mike arrives at the station to a warm welcome!

I had a great time with Graham at the Wistow Vale Railway and I’ve now arrived at the Wychbold and Stoke Prior Railway in Bromsgrove. The journey here was dreadful, I was packed like a sardine.

Keith has been very welcoming but I have to confess real disappointment with his railway. I was expecting great things but he’s done nothing, absolutely NOTHING to the railway since he last posted to GSC way back in June. He says he’s been too busy building his station. It’s quite impressive but it’s hardly G Scale!

Today I caught a train today from Brookside Station, or to be precise what will eventually be Brookside Station. It was pulled by Thomas the Tank Engine and I travelled on board Annie. My first view of the garden was through her window.


I alighted at Stoke Works and noted that it’s still a temporary structure. I walked up the platform to talk to Thomas and noticed that Percy was shunting trucks in the nearby Saltworks (sill to the built) Sidings.

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I’m sure the Saltworks will be very good once Keith has made the buildings but at the moment there’s nothing to see other than these customised trucks.

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I was then allowed to walk up the mainline to inspect the new tunnel. As soon as I got there I heard a train approaching and had to quickly dive into the nearest refuge. I was only just in time. As soon as I was safely in the refuge Emily raced through. At the speed of lightning I ran up onto the top of the tunnel to see Emily emerging from the other side.

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Tomorrow Keith has promised to take me to a mystery railway and then over the weekend I’m hoping to see Toby, James and Winston as well as more of the WASP Rly before setting off to my next destination.