ebay mike's expedition

So as seen below Mike has flown the Atlantic ang come back again with no visits offered.

He didn't - to cheer him up I took him to a local model railroad store in South Carolina to browse. We were, however, well behaved and didn't buy anything. I've brought him home (Jersey) so anyone is open to having him they can/. One option, if we're out of folks in the British Isles for our German friends - I'll be travelling to Berlin with work in Feb/March. I can post him from Germany too..

So any takers in Europeland? Please contact curtis curtis if interested please.
As someone who has German marked in his passport, I would like to invite him. Provided he also likes tram service. He can meet visitors at the exhibition at Hannover Straßenbahn Museum.
28. - 30. April, -- 19. - 21. May, 23. - 25. June, 21. - 23. July, 1. - 3. September (No public visitors), 29. September - 1. October, 27. - 29. October

He didn't - to cheer him up I took him to a local model railroad store in South Carolina to browse.
How did he sneek into the U.S.? We must have been too busy watching the southern border! I would have issued a formal invite to the Great Lakes State had I known he was within easy USPS distance! Did the original list of open invitations get lost? All it takes is a PM to get my address!
How did he sneek into the U.S.? We must have been too busy watching the southern border! I would have issued a formal invite to the Great Lakes State had I known he was within easy USPS distance! Did the original list of open invitations get lost? All it takes is a PM to get my address!
Yes I wondered about the original list too, having put my name on it!
How did he sneek into the U.S.? We must have been too busy watching the southern border! I would have issued a formal invite to the Great Lakes State had I known he was within easy USPS distance! Did the original list of open invitations get lost? All it takes is a PM to get my address!
Well it was all mentioned in post 174 of this very thread, the thread created to get victims oh sorry volunteers to host the little guy. The other thread is as it says just for the pictures only with all the towing and frooing being done on this thread. Oh well he is now to pass into Euro land for a while. Perhaps he may pass to USPS again sometime in the future via Curtis again.
If it helps for our friends over the pond - I'm actually heading there on the 22nd December with Nikki to spend Christmas with her family so Mike can have an escort and I post him on when I'm state-side. Just let me know!
Sorry Jon and Curtis, I clearly did not read Post 174 carefully enough! Knowing Curtis is on Jersey I mistakenly assumed "our friends over the pond" was referring to across the Channel and completely missed the reference to state-side. If Mike makes it back this way I will accept responsibility for shepherding his travels in North America should he should accept the offer.
Sorry Jon and Curtis, I clearly did not read Post 174 carefully enough! Knowing Curtis is on Jersey I mistakenly assumed "our friends over the pond" was referring to across the Channel and completely missed the reference to state-side. If Mike makes it back this way I will accept responsibility for shepherding his travels in North America should he should accept the offer.
Thanks Phil. Be good for any State Side bids to register an interest in a visit by MniMike then Phil will have a plan.
Yes I wondered about the original list too, having put my name on it!
Mick, we get embroiled in whether he could go outside of U.K. then curtis curtis made his USA offer and if flew from there so to speak.

POST 169 PAGE 9 this thread shows where he has been, need to add trammayo trammayo for the start of his Irish sojourn.
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P phils2um , I think it's more my fault. I was still chatting with (big) Mike if he was happy for the US stint and missed/didn't come back to your post. My apologies! I appreciate my message wasn't too clear either.

So, Jon, what what should be the plan now? I'll be in Germany February/March but perhaps he could do an Irish tour before or after the German tour?
P phils2um , I think it's more my fault. I was still chatting with (big) Mike if he was happy for the US stint and missed/didn't come back to your post. My apologies! I appreciate my message wasn't too clear either.

So, Jon, what what should be the plan now? I'll be in Germany February/March but perhaps he could do an Irish tour before or after the German tour?
Whatever, whoever offers first gets the little fellow though Germany would be a good bet as you are going just need some takers there now.
curtis curtis , love the vids, map and pics of MiniMike’s almost round the world tour. He does enjoy bunking a loco shed to see a Wizzy Cranks. Looking forward to his next exploits. The bar has been set! But joking aside, even the most modest line and treatise of his exploits welcome.
schienenkönig schienenkönig First week of June, I'll be travelling to Germany for work. While there, I'm happy to post him on his next European adventure.
As someone who has German marked in his passport, I would like to invite him. Provided he also likes tram service. He can meet visitors at the exhibition at Hannover Straßenbahn Museum.
28. - 30. April, -- 19. - 21. May, 23. - 25. June, 21. - 23. July, 1. - 3. September (No public visitors), 29. September - 1. October, 27. - 29. October

Can you send me a private message with your details?

In the meantime, I'll take him to Llangollen show for a tour this weekend!
Hello all. I (mini-me) have returned home for a short rest after spending an extended break on Jersey, compliments of Curtis and Nikki. I have really enjoyed the experience and meeting such lovely people and thank you all for your hospitality. i wouldn't have missed it for the world. I must say much has changed since I departed at the beginning of December 2020. I gather full size Mike has not been well since his heart attack in August 2021. He says his health and mental wellbeing have improved since lockdown finished but he's a changed man since I last saw him - the beard and ponytail haven't helped. Much to my dismay the railway has gone and the hoard of red boxes in the garage have been relocated elsewhere temporarily - that might have something to do with the two motorcycles shoehorned in the front. Had a surprise waiting for me though as I have been bought a class 67 loco for my very own garden railway when I eventually get round to building it. I've also got a stack of track and some rolling stock but it's been pointed out it's definitely NOT DCC. We'll (that's me and him) will be trying to organise a resumption of my tour shortly as I don't feel I am 'done' yet. There are places I will like to visit before we are engulfed in either a huge mushroom cloud or a 200ft tsunami. Will update when more news available. In the meantime big Ebay Mike apologises for not making regular appearances or contributions and says he has missed you all.
Regards Mike and Mike.
Although you have been missed, Big Mike has been missed more!

Hopefully, you can spur (see what I did there?) each other on, to get some track down?

I think that it is about time for the little fellow to visit the CFR. Mini Casey Jones can take him under his wing.
Good to hear some news about you big Mike and that the Mini fellow has returned to the fold, albeit temporarily. Look forwards to more news of his travels.
Hope you are feeling much betterer Mega Mike....