ebay mike's expedition

Ok so mini Mike arrived in the nits again this morning. I am hoping to get him to Visit Sherwood and viaEstrecha at least while he is here. Anyone else in the locality that I can get to easily by train or by not using too much onobtanium (diesel) would be good too. After that he will visit Somerset for another G Centralers line though, he has been to Jimmy already. From then on tis a wonder, I do not wish to hog him but may be able to get him to the CFR as well, oh then there is a line in Rushden. So could be adding a few locations. Here is Mike’s report.

Morning Ladies and Gentlemen. I arrived back in St.Neots this morning en route to other railways. Whilst here I decided to make some updated reports on the happenings at Dunnyrail. I have to say I was very disappointed to see a lack of progression with the near OO scale coal mine railway. The Austerity appears to have attracted a lot more dust since my last visit.4E982F90-D238-4287-BD9E-8C663CBC4DE4.jpeg
Though I think the Coal Wagons may have been involved in the odd shunt or two. 9269775B-389F-46C4-9436-C7E61F5D8475.jpeg
Clearly you can see the dismay on my face. I then went across to the workshop to see the Flexicity Tram Car. 8C4D54DD-BB3C-41FA-B7F1-C3A366559F8A.jpeg Another item that appears to have not had a lot of work done for some months. But then I was invited by the fat controller to have a ride on the recently acquired Swift16 Railcar. Clearly this has had some work to get it fit for service on the DR, at last something has been going on.384BD264-7B0F-4A9F-951C-2A5EBA32FD1F.jpeg
I am looking forwards to me next visits near here and with luck may be able to visit 4 or 5 lines before I have to suffer that terrible small box and a good buffeting around by the Post Office.

Who else in UK would like to see me and let me review their railway?
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I must admit I had forgotten about mini-me - too much else to think about. I'm glad I'm occupied as I don't think I am in much of a hurry to return home. There ain't a lot here now.


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Link to pictures of his visits. This thread for talk about his visits etc please.
dunnyrail dunnyrail MiniMike is welcome to visit The Northern again after he has been to Henri but I'm away for three weeks in September, so wouldn't want others to miss out; he might end up kicking his heels in his transport for a while...
dunnyrail dunnyrail MiniMike is welcome to visit The Northern again after he has been to Henri but I'm away for three weeks in September, so wouldn't want others to miss out; he might end up kicking his heels in his transport for a while...
Ok Patrick so any takers for Mike on his return from the Chanel Islands.
David1226 David1226 is often giving us black and white pictures, so I thought I would experiment with one of Mini Mike with a locomotive that in it’s running days would only have been taken in BnW. This effect created on my iPad is entirely reversible so lots of fun can be had.
Last updated 09/8/22 (date next to name mostly posting dates)

dunnyrail 02/12/20
idlemarvel 06/12/20
Rhinochugger 15/12/20
PhilP 07/05/21
voodoopenguin 08/05/21
JimmyB 14/05/21
playmofire 06/06/21
Anglian 09/06/21
a98087 23/06/21
Tanker man 10/08/21
Paul M 1/9/21 and 7/8/21 (my mistake for second visit)
Brambleton 5/9/21 and 31/7/22 (my mistake again for 2nd visit)
The Shed 9/9/21
Wistow vale rlwy 21/9/21
kedwards 23/9/21
FrenchChuffed 24/9/21
Gizzy 8/10/21
Fezwig 16/10/21
alcashj94 23/10/21
Northsider 29/10/21
penylanpip 5/11/21
casey jones snr and Great Central Railway 19/4/22
mikeysrx7 17/5/22
16mm layout Somerset 17/5/22
West Somerset Railway 26/5/22
Lynton and Barnstaple Railway 28/5/22
Ralphmp 31/5/22
Palstig 31/6/22
16mm Show Peterborough 26/6/22
Gauge 1 line nr St.Neots 26/6/22
Bluebell Railway and G exhibit 3/7/22
Brambleton again 31/7/22
York NRM with G railway 7/8/22
16mm line York 7/8/22
Paul m again 7/8/22
curtis late 22/23

Not yet visited but on original list:-

New to list Emerald Isle Contingent.
Mick trammayo trammayo

So Mini Mike has set off for Jersey and curtis curtis , any takers for him when he returns to these Islands please?
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Mike is with me (apologies for the slow response here). I've been out of the garden with work over the past couple of months.

dunnyrail dunnyrail , where would you like me to send him off to next?
Aha thanks Curtis, ok any takers U.K. side or perhaps Ireland? I am waiting to see if he can be allowed to cross the big pond by his owner ebay mike ebay mike . I am as I said before just trying to move him along.
If it helps for our friends over the pond - I'm actually heading there on the 22nd December with Nikki to spend Christmas with her family so Mike can have an escort and I post him on when I'm state-side. Just let me know!
Well so far as I am concerned that is one less trip to worry about, is ebay mike ebay mike ok with that. He is after all your man.
Folks, I have a chat with ebay mike ebay mike yesterday and she's very willing for mini-Mike to continue his journey state-side.

Is anyone over the pond volunteering to host? He's a great guest, eats very little and generally keeps to himself...
Curtis good news, stateside for him.
Folks, I have a chat with ebay mike ebay mike yesterday and she's very willing for mini-Mike to continue his journey state-side.

Is anyone over the pond volunteering to host? He's a great guest, eats very little and generally keeps to himself...
I would hasten to add that in these times of members of the human race having problems identifying themselves I have not rebadged myself as a 'she' nor have any intention or inclination to do so. Purely a typo on Curtis's for which I forgive him. Although I am not seen much these days I remain as much (if not more than) politically incorrect as ever. Long live freedom of thought - speech having been gagged!!!
I would hasten to add that in these times of members of the human race having problems identifying themselves I have not rebadged myself as a 'she' nor have any intention or inclination to do so. Purely a typo on Curtis's for which I forgive him. Although I am not seen much these days I remain as much (if not more than) politically incorrect as ever. Long live freedom of thought - speech having been gagged!!!
My apologies, Mike! That's what I get for jumping in with the brain-fog of a cold and before I've had my coffee!