ebay mike's expedition

Rhinochugger 15/12/20

Reading through, it appears Mini Mike departed Norfolk for Staffordshire sometime after the 15/12/2020.

A missing report was filed about him on the 13th Jan 2021.

Further enquiries were made on the 4th Feb 2021 regarding his non arrival back to Norfolk.

Has Staffordshire become our very own Bermuda Triangle?
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As you may all have surmised, I have been found. A blanket news blackout remains in force while I am assessed and receive counselling to prepare me for reappearing in public. Hopefully this will not take too long.
A slight thread drift:
Whilst on Bermuda triangles, try reading 'Birmingham triangles'. The quasi- Stasii Trabant that disappeared somewhere in Birmingham via DPD at the end of 2020 has now reportedly been 'returned to sender' in Poland. The sender is unaware of this!
Mysterious. The Stasi capability of making things disappear continues.
Jasper has been added to the ever growing destinations list. Let's hope I am able to avoid the virus and live long enough to visit all the locations.
Oldroyds of Pontefract are the main growers, I think.

I too was born in Wakefield. Small world!
It covered a larger area than most people think. I remember growers in Bramley and Farnley (Leeds).
It is with deep regret I have to advise my globetrotting holiday is terminated. I had looked forward to visiting the far flung corners of the garden railway world and having a pictorial record as a memento to refer to in my later life. It was hoped a trip round This Sceptred Isle would be followed by a jaunt 'Sur Le Continent', some long range nation hopping across the Seven Seas and conclude with a triumphant return to the edge of nowhere. No specific timescale had been set out, but initial progress suggested this would be a leisurely affair which suited me fine. Sadly I appear to have fallen victim to our very own Bermuda Triangle (roughly encompassing the whole of the West Midlands) and attempts to effect a rescue have so far been unsuccessful. It may be that one day I unexpectedly reappear unharmed and am not too traumatised to resume and complete my journey within my allotted years. I would like to express my thanks to those who made me welcome and wish you many years of good health and happy training.
Seems a reporter from a West Midlands regional newspaper has had an encounter with a destitute, dishevelled and severely confused traveller/vagrant. Could this be me?
P1060387 (2).JPG
The traveller disappearing on such expeditions as this is, unfortunately quite common in my experience. On one forum the traveller disappeared for three years and then when my wife and I visited a friend in Malta where we were on holiday he produced the figure from a draw in his work bench with a cheery, "I've kept intending to post it on and forgetting" or some similar phrase, and asked me to bring it back to England and continue it on its journey. (It had, by the way, already been to me and been sent on its way).

We took some photos of it with us in Malta (in three years despite living there, he hadn't even got that far!) and I then re-introuced it on to the forum when we got back home, explaining the circumstances of its discovery without identifying the forum member concerned. Within minutes, a reply had been posted criticising me for my cheek in keeping it so long and then being so brazen as to post about it!