ebay mike's expedition

The traveller disappearing on such expeditions as this is, unfortunately quite common in my experience. On one forum the traveller disappeared for three years and then when my wife and I visited a friend in Malta where we were on holiday he produced the figure from a draw in his work bench with a cheery, "I've kept intending to post it on and forgetting" or some similar phrase, and asked me to bring it back to England and continue it on its journey. (It had, by the way, already been to me and been sent on its way).

We took some photos of it with us in Malta (in three years despite living there, he hadn't even got that far!) and I then re-introuced it on to the forum when we got back home, explaining the circumstances of its discovery without identifying the forum member concerned. Within minutes, a reply had been posted criticising me for my cheek in keeping it so long and then being so brazen as to post about it!
It would appear many of you are as disappointed (read p***** **f if you wish) as I am in this regard. The task wasn't an onerous one - I had tackled the difficult parts by providing a hard wearing box to travel in and about a tenner's worth of stamps - leaving only taking a piccie, placing said box (with me inside) in an envelope and depositing in the nearest RM Post Box to do. I know where I am languishing and have tried a few gentle prods (via PM) to kickstart the trip but despite promises nothing has happened. As you will have seen it had got to the stage where I thought 'what's the point? Best knock it on the head'. On reconsideration that's a rather defeatist attitude and not really my style.
I am loath to name names but sometimes needs must. While I was routing a cable through a wall yesterday I had need of one of these to make a hole much more biggerer with a chisel. This one's mine but if I send it off somewhere do you think it might provoke movement or trigger a chain reaction? Any comments or intervention would be appreciated.
P1060388 (2).JPG
Well I do hope the kick in the butt as mentioned above, stirs a certain someone into action!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've been working like a Trojan, in the Cold, Wet, Hailstones, Sleet, Snow and generally freezing my a**e off in anticipation of your visit up here to the Frozen Wasteland's of the North East, to say I'm peed off would be a master of a understatement!
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I like you have been disgusted at the lack of will to move your mini self on Mike, how hard can it be? He (mini you) should have got round a good proportion of the forum by now. I consider myself to be extremely fortunate that I was the first to get him and he was back in the post to the next in line within this timeframe.
Day 1 arrive
Day 2 picture , post on Forum and post out on his (your) way.
Guilty as charged..

No excuses, and an unreserved apology to the Forum (and especially Mike)..

Mini-Mike has been located (again) as has the person/list next to receive him. - Awaiting a reply, to check the address I have is still current.

Once Mini-Mike has passed a lateral flow (into the envelope) test, he will be on his way.
Is mini Mike still going to be making his trip to the other side of the world? If so theres probably a few railways over yonder that could accommodate him before he hops back on the plane!
I will add another book of stamps, but any other additions to the existing list, are down to Mike..
Is mini Mike still going to be making his trip to the other side of the world? If so theres probably a few railways over yonder that could accommodate him before he hops back on the plane!
Good (UK) afternoon Jake. I've added your name to the ROW destination list. Travel details will be finalised when he's (I'm) ready to escape the UK and Europe.
Fantastic looking forward to hosting you (mini) Mike the company will have to get cracking on some serious building upgrades so we have some accommodation
Guilty as charged..

No excuses, and an unreserved apology to the Forum (and especially Mike)..

Mini-Mike has been located (again) as has the person/list next to receive him. - Awaiting a reply, to check the address I have is still current.

Once Mini-Mike has passed a lateral flow (into the envelope) test, he will be on his way.
Hopefully we will soon be able to as as was said to Richard Burton in ‘Where Eagles Dare‘” All sins are forgiven”.
The delay means that I do have a outside track available, but it also means that, depending on the speed with which he travels, I may not be here when he arrives. I plan to be in Norfolk from the 24th, returning in the 29th, so it may be sensible to be ready to slightly alter the order of visits at some stage.
The delay means that I do have a outside track available, but it also means that, depending on the speed with which he travels, I may not be here when he arrives. I plan to be in Norfolk from the 24th, returning in the 29th, so it may be sensible to be ready to slightly alter the order of visits at some stage.
I shouldn't worry too much about that Gordon. I'm small enough to fit nicely through your letter box to await your return. After recent events a delay of a few days isn't going to matter too much. Handy you visiting Nelson's county - depending on where you're going and what you're doing I might be in a position to drop some stuff off to save the postage.
I shouldn't worry too much about that Gordon. I'm small enough to fit nicely through your letter box to await your return. After recent events a delay of a few days isn't going to matter too much. Handy you visiting Nelson's county - depending on where you're going and what you're doing I might be in a position to drop some stuff off to save the postage.
That sounds good, I'll PM you.
At last he is moving again, back in Norfolk apparently. Best make sure he does not travel on any trains booked to be IEP’s or Azuma’s or he may have another long delay.
Bad idea to travel outside of Norfolk :p:p:p
Yup. I note there are no 'wish you were here' photos from the Potteries so I was probably quarantined in an hotel for the whole time - I'm dreading the bill!!!