ebay mike
Retired, but still hoarding. (GOF)

It would appear many of you are as disappointed (read p***** **f if you wish) as I am in this regard. The task wasn't an onerous one - I had tackled the difficult parts by providing a hard wearing box to travel in and about a tenner's worth of stamps - leaving only taking a piccie, placing said box (with me inside) in an envelope and depositing in the nearest RM Post Box to do. I know where I am languishing and have tried a few gentle prods (via PM) to kickstart the trip but despite promises nothing has happened. As you will have seen it had got to the stage where I thought 'what's the point? Best knock it on the head'. On reconsideration that's a rather defeatist attitude and not really my style.The traveller disappearing on such expeditions as this is, unfortunately quite common in my experience. On one forum the traveller disappeared for three years and then when my wife and I visited a friend in Malta where we were on holiday he produced the figure from a draw in his work bench with a cheery, "I've kept intending to post it on and forgetting" or some similar phrase, and asked me to bring it back to England and continue it on its journey. (It had, by the way, already been to me and been sent on its way).
We took some photos of it with us in Malta (in three years despite living there, he hadn't even got that far!) and I then re-introuced it on to the forum when we got back home, explaining the circumstances of its discovery without identifying the forum member concerned. Within minutes, a reply had been posted criticising me for my cheek in keeping it so long and then being so brazen as to post about it!
I am loath to name names but sometimes needs must. While I was routing a cable through a wall yesterday I had need of one of these to make a hole much more biggerer with a chisel. This one's mine but if I send it off somewhere do you think it might provoke movement or trigger a chain reaction? Any comments or intervention would be appreciated.