Finally starting my layout

Thanks . Wish I would have made a better plan for the layout. Just kinda going along not really knowing what I am doing lol.
Thanks . Wish I would have made a better plan for the layout. Just kinda going along not really knowing what I am doing lol.

Well, it seems to be working for you. I'm just starting to plan my railway, construction to begin in the spring. It won't be anything like yours for a long time, but I love the way you've done things! I definitely do want to try to add a bridge like you've done. It looks fantastic!
Thanks . Wish I would have made a better plan for the layout. Just kinda going along not really knowing what I am doing lol.
Fun, isn't it. Just carry on and enjoy yourself. My plan was in my head but never got as far as the back of an envelope!
Making progress on the other end of the bridge. I have another cake mold that looks like random stone so i thought i would try this at the other end. I set a brick in place and coated it with mortor and when it was almost dry i pressed the cake mold into the mortor to give the affect. Then a coat of black wash ..IMG_20180318_105131365.jpg IMG_20180318_111909799_HDR.jpg IMG_20180318_112442153_HDR.jpg IMG_20180318_112449252_HDR.jpg IMG_20180318_143952091_HDR.jpg IMG_20180318_143945390_HDR.jpg
Had a new fence installed in closing more of the yard. And took down the old one separating the yard. So now i have about double the space i had before. I'm excited to have aquired the land for an expansion.. also i dug up one of the old fence post that had concrete on it and the wood post rotted out of the concrete making a neat abandoned tunnel.IMG_20180318_112641012.jpg IMG_20180318_112627029.jpg IMG_20180318_112627029.jpg IMG_20180318_144425757_HDR.jpg IMG_20180318_144425757_HDR.jpg
I'm very excited to be starting on the next phase. Getting the grades figured out . For this part i want to add a tunnel and another trestle . I can maybe tone down the grade by another inch but i kind of like it this way. My lgb Porter will pull four cars and the mogal will do 8 at a set speed that looks ok on the rest of the track. Will need a bunch of fill dirt and rocks . IMG_20180327_180006139.jpg
Do you all think the grade is to steep?

You can hear the loco's sound slowing down, but then the 12" to 1' loco would change too. Maybe take one car off the Porter and a couple off the other. What is the grade?
Thanks Mick . Not really sure what the grade is. But i think i need to mess with it some. My friend up north saw it and said that it's to steep and will burn up the motor block and wear out the gears . So i may need to tone it down some even though i like the way it slows down on the grade.
Thanks Mick . Not really sure what the grade is. But i think i need to mess with it some. My friend up north saw it and said that it's to steep and will burn up the motor block and wear out the gears . So i may need to tone it down some even though i like the way it slows down on the grade.

Make the grade a little less fierce.. - You can always slow the loco down to get the effect you like! :nod::nod:
Thanks. I have been working on it a little at a time when i get time lol. As long as i have clearence for the train to pass over it's self . Looks like i can drop it down another inch .