Today I finished pretty well all the small jobs and put her together for a Test Run. This included fitting numbers and sundry other text based stuff prior to that in the workshop. My printout on sticky paper prior to application. The Water Warning notices in excess of 2 are for some of my other engines that need this sign which was commonplace in the bad old days if East Germany.
Immediately on starting she dropped the Rear Pony (running Bunker first) at the first curve, that I put down to the Spring being too strong and perhaps not enough weight. Back into the workshop, spring reduced by half and some lead bolted to the bogie. Success phew. Then further along the line she dropped the front bogie (running Chimney first), investigation showed this to be linesade vegitation that lifted it off. Perhaps some more weight on this one as well soon. Persevering the Front set of drivers dropped, they tried to go the wrong way on an LGB R3 Point. Further tests on others and Trainline R2 did not replicate this issue so I can only deduce that to have been a worn R3 Frog Area. Some of my R3's in my fiddle yard came from the Ruschbahn so had been well used with some having suffered at the hands of an LGB Track Cleaner! Other than those issues all resolved/resolvable she runs as sweet as a nut. Very docile for Shunting and as I have said before more than enough power for all normal Dunnyrail needs.
So I guess you would like some pics. But first a Vid of her running, not the best taken on the iPad myself whilst trying to drive it. She deserves better and perhaps I will make a proper vid of the "Beast" as it has come to be known.
Now the pics. Standing on Belah Viaduct.
Showing overhang on 4ft Radius Curves.
Time for a Train if little used Coaches, crossing Belah Viaduct.
R1 Test in Alexisbad, passed both ways with flying colours. Just look how close that box is to the cylinder, eat your hear out LGB!
On the Green Viaduct, must give this one a name.
Finally a couple of Lineup Pictures with 2 2-10-2's as requested and an LGB 2-6-2 which is the same as the Newquid Donar used in this bash.
The red on the whees is wearing off with little bits of red deposited on the track wherever she runs!