LGB 28002

Crazy, so after the reset, CV5 reverts to the correct meaning after a reset, Vhigh (top speed) so you do a reset and then put CV5 back to 255 to get max speed.

Wild, how maddening... why not reset CV5 to 255 after the reset? (meaning a decoder reset should have reset CV5)

Are you sure you did not accidentally re-send a value of 55 to CV5 after the reset?

Crazy, so after the reset, CV5 reverts to the correct meaning after a reset, Vhigh (top speed) so you do a reset and then put CV5 back to 255 to get max speed.

Wild, how maddening... why not reset CV5 to 255 after the reset? (meaning a decoder reset should have reset CV5)

Are you sure you did not accidentally re-send a value of 55 to CV5 after the reset?


Not aware that I resent a CV5 after the reset but Didn't try another reset to see if it stayed on 55 in case I lost what I had gained basic control under DCC of the Loco :)
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I note from #50 that you have CV29 set to 4 which means 14 speed steps. Try setting CV29 =6 which means 28 speed steps. CV62=0 means no adjustment strength. Since CV62=0 works leave it that.

The Speed steps have since been set to 28 ie CV29 = 6 since the image in post 50, but well spotted :) Ran it out side on the main track today all standing sounds works as they should speed control forward and backwards work as it should. No lights or any control of the sounds on the F keys in serial or parallel, I did get a reply from the owner in Germany yesterday that it did all work as it should before it was dispatched but there again I was going to get that as an answer :) Smoke unit works but I disconnected it so I don't burn it out as I have no control to turn it on or off.
Nearly Cigar time but not quite. Not the best decoder probably ....the table it stores in the software is as you say wrong, the only tab that seems to change CVs properly and write them is the write individual CV's and then read to verify. table below is where I am at the lights are 5v I believe and connect direct to the main board / sound board along with the smoke unit, so not sure what CV value to use ?.

With the following settings I now get all the Sound functions on the F keys as they should be, but it is in Serial not parallel :( Speed forwards and backwards correct so the only bit missing is the lights and I know they work as they work in old school mode with the dip switches flipped and they did work before I changed the Loco address so I just need to find what value and what CV to get them working again correctly.

SPROG 2.png

Pic of the actual Loco out testing today

Train 29-04-18.jpg

Edit re-added the smoke unit and it works and turns off with F3 :)
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Assuming 'normal' LGB key assignments are required?:
CV 51 to '7' smoke on key 7
CV 53 to '0' rear lights on 'light' key

The rest look OK..

Once we have control of the lights, we can then think about making them directionally controlled..
With CV51 on 1 I can control all sound functions but button 9 doesn't turn on the lights, if set to 0 I lose all control of sound function and still no lights I get the Whistle on F9 :)

Found it says CV 49 and 50 Voltage for function terminal F1 1-32 32 32=Locos with decoder interface 5= direct connection of 5V lights 26= direct connection of 19V lights So I assume mine would need to be 32 ? does that mean if they connect direct to the decoder ? or direct to the main board the decoder plugs in to ??

All function buttons in serial flash the same number of times equal to the button number except button 9 only lights flashes once why does it not flash 9 times ? or is light control a different type of function.

CV52 set to 128 Command light forward (see CV51) 128 No changes necessary on locos with interface.

CV53 set to 64 Command light reverse (see CV51) 64 No changes necessary on locos with interface.
Food for thought - When I chipped my 2143 the lights initially didn't work either. It has 5V bulbs and the decoder was set for 5V out on the light functions. Turns out the board that connects to the lights has a built in voltage regulator (so it would function in analog mode). The 5V feed was not enough voltage to drive the lighting circuit. I set the decoder to give the light functions max voltage. That fixed the problem. Perhaps your situation is the same?

Phil S.
Food for thought - When I chipped my 2143 the lights initially didn't work either. It has 5V bulbs and the decoder was set for 5V out on the light functions. Turns out the board that connects to the lights has a built in voltage regulator (so it would function in analog mode). The 5V feed was not enough voltage to drive the lighting circuit. I set the decoder to give the light functions max voltage. That fixed the problem. Perhaps your situation is the same?

Phil S.

You *should* be able to leave bulbs at full track voltage, if they go via an existing board..
Saying that, I normally set them to about '6' on the divider, and that seems to work. - Better safe than having to replace them all!
Well decided in for a penny in for a pound and changed CV 49 and 50 to 32=Locos with decoder interface, still no lights on button no 9 :( they do work in old school mode so bulbs not blown , I assume the problem is CV 51 is not correct, but I get all functions on the correct buttons but no light control with it set to =1

I have a feeling it will end up costing me a decoder so I can run it in parallel in the end ;)
Just to be clear,CV51 controls what key turns function output F1 on and off, not the directional lights. CV52 and CV53 control the directional lights (front and rear respectively). Normally CV52 (front) would be set to 128 meaning only on when going forwards and CV53 (rear) would be set to 64 meaning only on when going backwards. CV51 (key controlling output F1) would normally be set to 1 unless you are serial only in which case it should be set to 9. If CV51, CV52 and CV53 are set to 9, 128 and 64, and the lights are not working let us know.
EDIT: in your case key 1 may be used for a sound so you may want to choose another key. Function output 1 is sometimes used for smoke generator and as someone said earlier the Massoth default for that is key 7 which you set with value 7, or 15 for serial mode.
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Hi, I'll try it tomorrow thanks, the following are the Function keys that operate the sounds, and all operate the correct sounds / functions listed for this Loco. if CV51 =1

! Whistle
2 bell
3 Smoke on/off
4 Sound on / off
5 announcement
6 Brake sound
7 Coal Shoel
8 Air pump
9 Lights not working

The decoder is a LGB 55021 not a massoth and it is Seriel only if I set the hand set to parallel I get no control of any functions so defiantly serial control needed for functions.

From the manual for the decoder CV51 default =1

What is "command for " F1 " ?

Command for F1 from the Manual
0=lighting button 9
1=control via button 1 with buttons 2-8, the command will be sent the respective number of times.
9=control via button 1 buttons 2-8 will be ignored
10=control via button 2
11=control via button 3
12=control via button 4 1
3=control via button 5
14=control via button 6
15=control via button 7
16=control via button 8
64=lighting button 9 (On only when reversing)
65=button 1 (On only when revering)
128= lighting button 9 (On only when going forward)
129= button 1 (On only when going forward)
No changes necessary on locos with interface
I think you may be understandably confused by the terminology in this area.

The wiring in your loco (not having seen it but I believe this to be the case) enables you to have working lights at the front and rear, and something called "function output 1" or "function 1" or "F1 terminal" even (confusingly) F1. This is not the same as function key 1 on your controller. This function output 1 is usually manifested as a pair of pins or socket on the circuit board, into which you can plug some device. Usually it is used for a smoke generator.

These (F1, front light, rear light) are all independently switchable. With early MTS and the 55021 decoder you can use the "light" button or any of the keys 1-8. The confusing bit is that these keys are sometimes called F1, F2, F3 etc.

The keys that control function output F1, front light and rear light are configured in CVs 51, 52, and 53. You can choose to have the "light" key control any of these. So if you wanted you could have the "light" key controlling function output 1, function key 1 turning the front lights on and function key 2 turning the rear lights on. Not sure why you would do that but you could. The important thing to understand is that the relationship between the key you press and the thing that controls is defined by you in CVs.

The usual way to set this up is so that the "light" key turns the lights on. So CV52 and CV53 would be set to 0. But there are additional settings for the front and rear lights, so that you can have the front ones on when you press the "light" key but only when going forwards (by setting CV52 to 128 instead of 0) and the rear ones on only when going backwards (by setting CV53 to 64 instead of 0).

The setting for what key controls function output 1 (as I said usually smoke generator) is up to you. If there is nothing connected to the socket or pins then it doesn't matter, you could leave it as 1 (CV51 = 1). If there is a smoke generator connected then whatever key you choose will turn that on and off.

Earlier someone suggested you increased the voltage for the function output F1 (CV49) and lights (front and rear set by CV50) to max (32 = track voltage). I would put those back to 5 or 6 and use a voltmeter to measure what voltage is generated for the lights and function output F1 and then adjust accordingly. If you have a 5v smoke generator attached to function output F1 and you put full voltage through it with no smoke fluid in it will glow red hot then fail.

Sorry this is so long, I wish I had more time to make it shorter and more concise, but I hope it helps.
I think you may be understandably confused by the terminology in this area.
........... something called "function output 1" or "function 1" or "F1 terminal" even (confusingly) F1. This is not the same as function key 1 on your controller. This function output 1 is usually manifested as a pair of pins or socket on the circuit board, into which you can plug some device. Usually it is used for a smoke generator. ......


I learned that and more a little while ago under similar circumstances. I was fitting a decoder without plug in pins to an LGB loco with sound and a decoder ready board of similar age to the 28002 in this topic. I chose to wire the decoder to the LGB board but didn't bother with the function output 1 socket on the board as there was no smoke unit for the decoder to control. Result, no control over sounds despite correctly configuring the decoder for LGB serial operation. The F1 socket had to be connected to the chip for the sound to work properly.
I learned that and more a little while ago under similar circumstances. I was fitting a decoder without plug in pins to an LGB loco with sound and a decoder ready board of similar age to the 28002 in this topic. I chose to wire the decoder to the LGB board but didn't bother with the function output 1 socket on the board as there was no smoke unit for the decoder to control. Result, no control over sounds despite correctly configuring the decoder for LGB serial operation. The F1 socket had to be connected to the chip for the sound to work properly.
When you say "The F1 socket had to be connected to the chip for the sound to work properly" can you be more precise please Neil? What is the chip in question and how should it be connected?
When you say "The F1 socket had to be connected to the chip for the sound to work properly" can you be more precise please Neil? What is the chip in question and how should it be connected?

The LGB loco was a twin motor job with board was designed for two standard LGB plug in decoders. I used one Massoth XL decoder with wires screwed into the decoder terminals and soldered to the board sockets.
The LGB loco was a twin motor job with board was designed for two standard LGB plug in decoders. I used one Massoth XL decoder with wires screwed into the decoder terminals and soldered to the board sockets.
Thats why it is often easiest to pull out the old stuff and wire the decoder direct.