LGB II (The Sequel)

The new side tipping wagon has been detached from the train and shunted into a siding to be loaded by the new (RC) digger....

A few years ago, I brought a LGB Level Crossing from Tony le Grys at a GSS exhibition in Nottingham.

This was installed on the layout but last year, it was damaged during a storm when the arbour toppled onto it.

I found a Playmobil one at Rocket Railways in Coalville, and modified it with LGB brass rails.

However, I found another busted one at Llangollen later last year. I realised that I could repair my broken one by combining the serviceable parts of both Level Crossings, as they are made in two halves. A bonus was that it also had the parts that fitted between the rails that I didn't have previously.

I rebuilt the LC with the serviceable parts I had, fitted lights and repainted it. Today, I have re-installed it, having moved the Playmo one to Angus's Crossing earlier in the month....

Donnerstag ist DB tag! (Thursday is Deutche Bahn Day)

Roughly half of my diesel loco fleet is liveried as DB, and I also have a few DB wagons to match. Although DB is a German company, they also operate freight trains here in the UK, having brought EWS. They run quite a few freight trains in East Anglia to Felixstowe and regular aggregate trains to Chesterton Sidings and Harlow Mill. Thus my justification for running German stock here in Cambridgeshire.

As well as the DB locos here, I also own a VT 11.4, a VT 98, and a V10 KoF.

V51 is about to haul the container train onto the main line, whilst V52 awaits a clear road with the OEG Hoppers. V14 shunts Shimmns wagons as HF130 positions a side tipping wagon ready to be loaded by a wheeled digger....

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Quite a few heritage railways have a link to Notwork Rail. Both the Swanage Railway, and North Norfolk Railways have recently restored their connection to the main line with occasional through running to Wareham and Cromer.

I though it would be a good idea if I could have an imaginary connection to the rest of the G Scale Railway world.

I brought a pair of acrylic mirrors, one of which I've fitted in the tunnel mouth here, so that the track appears to carry on and link up to everyone else's layouts. The track is normally used as a long storage siding next to the conservatory. The other mirror has been fitted in the caravan....

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I have to confess, I didn't run my line last year. Partially due to being busy, but partially due to foxes in the garden, digging around the layout and chewing wiring.

This year then, I've resolved to tidy up my line and get it running again.

One of the projects I wanted to do is make a hard standing alongside the loading siding, where I can operate my RC digger. I've used self binding gravel to do this. An aluminium angle strip has been put under the sleepers to raise the hard standing to rail head height.

I've shovelled the gravel into place, roughly tamped it down, and brushed it. I'll let it settle and bind. One bag of the gravel was wet, and I used part of a dry bag to do the right side.

I'll see how it looks next week....
