LGB Loco Prototypes---Pictures of the real locos

Re the pictures i posted of the austrian deisel, the lgb model is wrong. The real loco does not have the same size wheels on the bogies. the leading set, on each bogie, are smaller than the drive wheels on the inner of each bogie. dont know if this is already known, but thought id share.

More pictures of the Bachmann, Baldwin 4-6-0 3 foot gauge loco.(Curtesy ETWNC photos) Alyn
duncan1_9_8_4 said:
Re the pictures i posted of the austrian deisel, the lgb model is wrong. The real loco does not have the same size wheels on the bogies. the leading set, on each bogie, are smaller than the drive wheels on the inner of each bogie. dont know if this is already known, but thought id share.
Duncan the Austrian loco has a 2-4-2 wheel formation and as you say LGB powered the thing as a 0-4-0+0-4-0 Alyn. Please keep those photo's coming !!!!!!!!!!!!:wave:
I imagine it was done so they could use the standard motor block- i guess if they did the wheelbase correctly the tooling cost would have been to high so better this than no model at all. Its nice to see how all the models look 'right'. I wonder how some would look if they didnt all have to around RAD 1 curves....
RE LGB's 2091, the thing is also WAY overscale also, one reason I have resisted them.

Honestly, LGB should have made it as a 1-B-1 with one motorblock, the real ones were not very strong locos.
Not sure how the Tweetsie falls into this? Not complaining tho, it is about 4.5 hours east of here in my home state of Tennessee afterall!:D
littletone said:
My Fav. narrow gauge Diesel..


Which one?

There's 3 of 'em....
themole said:
Garratt, the thread is about loco prototypes.:Looser::rolf::rolf: Alyn

...of LGB, not Botchmann!!! :thumbup:

I try and nab a Tweetsie pic or two when I am up that way, may be going up there more due to a change of work, God's country for sure! Some of the shop buildings still stand!
yes i too love those WP&Y alcos
thats one long tourist train!!!

nice pics ptw of the bachman ten wheeler-id never seen the prototype-

never realized what an accurate model they made-
the model version somehow never appealed to my eye-
stevedenver said:
yes i too love those WP&Y alcos
thats one long tourist train!!!

nice pics ptw of the bachman ten wheeler-id never seen the prototype-

never realized what an accurate model they made-
the model version somehow never appealed to my eye-

Bachmann 10 wheeler is correct and with some mods to the running gear a good model. Alyn

Chemnitz tram (picture curtesy Chemnitz strassenbahn)
New Orleans Pearley Thomas car
The trams are as per LGB Alyn
Firstly, thank you to all who took the time to upload those pix! Outstanding set , Engineers!

I especially like the black and white photos of certain items, like the 996001 , and the 0-6-2 shots. A very nice thing to see is not only the engines but a complete train in tow. I enjoy seeing the prototypes for the various LGB rolling stock as well (which I haven't viewed as much as the photos of the engines).

The zugs that really catch my eye is the one with Stainzy at the head and a unique but familiar 3040 "7 window" stubby coach in green livery. Okay, maybe the real thing has 8 windows? It's still adorable.

Also other great rolling stock is shown with the 2030E steeple cab, another shorty in the lehmann line. The "tauraplin" covered low side gons apparently hauled minerals. amazing that some bloke got a color photo of this operation. Nice!

The 2051 shot is nice, it is great to see a train behind it and you get the real-life relativity for how really small this diesel is in real life. If the 2051 and HarzKamel ever had a cup of java next to each other, the Kamel would tower over it.

But Gentlemen! The great prize for photography goes to the bloke that produced the 0-6-2 in green livery crossing a "fish belly" between two brick abuttments. This will be the most useful modeling photo for both my G scale carpet railway and my table top H0 pike. I have wanted to create a perfect country vignette using a relatively low level cross span and this will help tremendously. There are so many of these types of crossings in Alpine Europe that my pikes just have to have at least one incorporated. Thank You!

and...How DARE anyone criticize the 2076D...one of the cutest, bluntest...and best of all, so-very-German-looking stubby steam engines ever created.
Who cares if the drivers are bigger , its all the better for running and the visual side show when watching it.

Tom M.