National Garden Railway Show Peterborough 2021 - who's going??

I'll be giving it a miss this year, 7hr journey each way for a 3 hour session doesn't stack up in the logical book for me I'm afraid, maybe next year if it doesn't clash with the Perth exhibition.

I thought that I was going but.... I cannot find the email with the ticket to print off.
The ticket shop on the 16mm website is now closed so it looks like I am not going as there are no tickets on the day.
Best laid plans and all that...
I'll be giving it a miss this year, 7hr journey each way for a 3 hour session doesn't stack up in the logical book for me I'm afraid, maybe next year if it doesn't clash with the Perth exhibition.

Where is your dedication to the hobby.... I was talking to a bloke the other week, who, before all this CV-19 stuff, flew from New Zealand to England, went straight to the Warley Show, then hopped on a plane to come home. :angel:
I thought that I was going but.... I cannot find the email with the ticket to print off.
The ticket shop on the 16mm website is now closed so it looks like I am not going as there are no tickets on the day.
Best laid plans and all that...
Check the website, some tickets may be available.
This time (05.30) tomorrow I will be setting off for the show. I hope it is a good show despite all the travails.I hope to see some of you there.
May you all travel safely, and have a great time..
We all have to learn to not be scared of other people.

I am gutted to not be going, but do not feel I can take the risk, due to other things I must be available to attend.

Take, and post, lots of pictures for us.

Looks like there's so many spaces available for AM & PM you can probably stay all day, if you want to. Personally I'm hoping for a relaxed day, as I don't particularly like crowds, and I find big exhibitions hard work
I thought that I was going but.... I cannot find the email with the ticket to print off.
The ticket shop on the 16mm website is now closed so it looks like I am not going as there are no tickets on the day.
Best laid plans and all that...
Mike contact Alan Regan or his wife Carol directly via the 16 mm NGM website. Both very helpful and diligent individuals (Doyens of our local area group here in north Bucks/Northants). I am sure they will sort you out - Board of Directors & Officers and Contact Details - Association of 16mm Narrow Gauge Modellers.
Or email the shop @

The email is hard to find when you search, but 16mm should bring up the email or if you paid by Paypal, you should be able to see the date of the transaction.
Yep, I had tried all of those routes ... even checked my browser history where there is a link to the 16mm shop 'basket' on 7th May but and no paypal transaction made.
So it looks like I did not complete the transaction....dooooh... an age thing...
I have emailed the 16mm 'shop' and Richard has replied so hopefully I will be attending...
I would have offered you my tickets, but that would fubar track and trace.. :giggle:
Phil aren't you going to the show? I have those weights for you
Phil aren't you going to the show? I have those weights for you

I had totally forgotten about those..

We have tickets, but we got those before Mum passed..
Funeral is 9th July, and I don't feel I can take the chance of having to isolate.

There will be more shows (probably) but a person only tends to have one funeral. :nerd: :nod:
Locomotives, buildings, spare batteries both AA and AAA packed ready for an early departure tomorrow morning. All I have to do now is make the sandwiches and sort out some fruit to take with me.
Rolling stock and locos boxed and ready to load in the car at sparrowf*rt tomorrow, even found the r/c I'd accidentally left out in the garden for two weeks:mad:. Even more remarkably, it still works:whew:!
See y'all there. Just finished all my 'chores' so quick bath and off to bed.