New Bachmann Lyn

I was in Bournemouth model railways yesterday and they still have 2 of the green version in stock if anyone is after 1. Back home to the sunshine today:thumbup:
Got one yesterday and an Emily's coach - thanks to Jeremy @ dragon G scale.
My last experience of bachmann was one of their trams, growlely gearbox, wobbely wheels ect.-
makes a fantastic ornament.The lyn is a vast improvement . nearly as quiet as a german. the coupling change to loop + hook took longer than fitting the chip.

my only complaint being the length of the couplings. still-if i want it to go round radius 1 curves....

finally, could some kind sole tell me if the headlight and smoke unit can be turned on digitaly (Jeremy supplied a Trainsave decoder) and will the smoke unit be damaged if it is 'on' with no smoke oil ?

I've not seen it Mel - but if it's the American generic version, and perhaps a logging locomotive, could it be a lift pump?
I'd always assumed it was a pump for taking water from lakes , streams & such, it only appears on the industrial varients. I've often thought of trying to fabricate some lengths of hose to carry on my mk 1 loco,perhaps one day I will.
Use single core black mains cable for hoses so you can bend it to drape around fittings and it will stay in shape. Put a small collar on one end by drilling out a piece of model kit sprue to simulate the connector and a larger one on the other end as the filter that got dropped in the stream.
PaulRhB said:
Use single core black mains cable for hoses so you can bend it to drape around fittings and it will stay in shape. Put a small collar on one end by drilling out a piece of model kit sprue to simulate the connector and a larger one on the other end as the filter that got dropped in the stream.

Good idea Paul, its now on the to do list !
yb281 said:
Picked mine up today. What an absolutely outstanding model for the money!!!!

Just one question - there's what looks like some sort of pump on top of the left hand water tank. What is it and what is it for?
can't see anything unusual on the top of 'Lyn's side tanks - only the water-filler,

might be an injector each side underneath the tanks though.
p.williams said:
yb281 said:
Picked mine up today. What an absolutely outstanding model for the money!!!!

Just one question - there's what looks like some sort of pump on top of the left hand water tank. What is it and what is it for?
can't see anything unusual on the top of 'Lyn's side tanks - only the water-filler,

might be an injector each side underneath the tanks though.
Mine is the black generic US version. I think that the previous posts describing the fitting as a water pump have provided the most likely answer.
Sorry to resurrect this topic, as it were, but just acquired a the 91199 version in Lined Green, must say it really is a superb model, but I have a few questions.
First of all the little card tag on the smokebox door, bit of a silly question, but do I just pull, cut or remove the builders plate to get it off? (Just though I'd ask so I don't break anything)
Second, can the smoke box door be easily removed? I've seen many people replace the US style door with the UK version and would possibly like to do so myself. I've had a little look, and it seems the door panel slides off, though the switches all seem to be connected to it. I didn't want to pull any of the wires, so put it back on.
Any help would be great appreciated :)