I haven't been idle on the model railway scene. Prior to our Bank Holiday, I superelevated the R1's curves at the village end of the trailer layout. I had suffered a few derailments over the years - the worst destroying the motion (at the cylinder end) of a BH - one with the "improved" front bogie swivel. This variation reminded me strongly of Bassett Lowke's 0 gauge stuff!
Anyway, suffice to say, I did not suffer one derailment over the two days I was at shows!
On the garden line, rotting woodwork has proved a source of annoyance. When I rebuilt things and extended over the drive, I built a depot. I had to extend the track base for this and used a couple of 4" wide strips of wood. The original timber base carrying the line towards the trestles, had been treated and covered in mineral felt. My later linear extension was was just covered in bitumen, heavily brushed on.
One of the oddments of timber I used was a piece of 12mm Far Eastern Ply - the other a piece of hardwood from an old pallet. So the new ply did not pass muster.....
The 3.5mm ply on the depot doors has delaminated too - but at least it's not rotten!
So, yesterday I decided to remove the remains of that 4ft extension. The ply was easy - the pallet wood not so as it was as hard as nails and I had to smash it to pieces to get the brackets off!
Minus the depot structure - the corroflute (ex-election poster) base.
The felted original base covering - still sound. The sleepers can just be made out under the depot floor...
I had some tanalised board a fraction wider so decided to use it - only thing being the curvature of this base meant sawing it in two. I then used some offcuts of 14kg mineral felt and a piece of 'torch-on'. The piece of treated timber before disecting - the dark shape at one end is the remains of the ply to give me the cutting angle...
Once covered, the two pieces were screwed in place and the timber edging from the old board was nailed back. The track was reballasted (ex pipe bedding material from our water scheme) and the depot put back.
The last pic shows shows the curvature of the base..
So that's a bit more of the old rot gone. Don't worry, I'm still full of it!