Ox Mountain Railway

Impressive work. Love the junction set up. Hope the points are always set away from the bridge when it is open to 'shipping'.

Errm - no! I have been millimetres away from disaster!:banghead:

Could do with locking them!
With thoughts of loco's plunging to an untimely demise still percolating, yesterday revealed something else I need to bear in mind! My feline supervisor has maybe shown her true intentions!

Anyway, before reaching that development, the day before, I tried out my refurbished big hauler (new chassis fitted).....

18.02 17 - Repaired loco back on track (8).JPG
18.02 17 - Repaired loco back on track (9).JPG

Here she is immediately after "the fix"..
18.02.17 - Repaired loco back on track (2).JPG

So with, with an errant loco tamed and returned to the fold, I pondered on what I was going to run on the Sunday.

I decided to retry the Santa Fe R/C BH - seeing as how I had invested over ten euro in replacement batteries. It pulled a lot better but the Tx was still not performing as it should. I lay the tx in the opposite track to try and enhance the signal (which works) ...

19-02-17 -(2).JPG

19-02-17 -(11).JPG

After a few circuits, my supervisor came out for an impromptu inspection (after using the bridge as a scratching post) ...

19-02-17 -(3).JPG
... and then....

19-02-17 -(7).JPG
19-02-17 -(9).JPG
So now I know! Beware the Ides of March.
I'm just surprised that she has shown such restraint before now!
And why else would you construct a bridge from wood if it wasn't for feline pedicure purposes? (Did you seriously think it wouldn't happen?)

A great variety of colours on your railway, Mick, both rolling stock and scenery - in addition, of course, to the tortoiseshell principal...
Mick, I think you need a water car.......then a tuna gondola........a 3 bay treat hopper.....all trailed by a ca(t)boose. Max
Thanks for your comments everybody - they made me chuckle:rofl:

Cats rule in, or outside, our (their) home!

As we were making the long trip up north to see our youngest son, I thought I'd try and run one before we set off. Cats were out but it was Tomas who gave the trains his undevided attention. Sadly, my photographic skills are rated at minus five on a scale of 1 - 5. Only one half decent pic of my C&S train. Forgot to switch the lights on in the coaches which spoilt things...
20.02.17 - early running (4).JPG

And a vague image of Tomas as he hid behind the dwarf Hebe whilst the train passed - what did expect to surprise?

20.02.17 - early running (10).JPG

Maybe we could start a thread on the worst photographic images or, create a new artform?
The problem with the first photo, Mick, is that you're pushing your camera to its limits with the lighting. It looks like you used flash judging by the fall-off of the light, but the camera aperture is very wide and so the focus is limited - the tracks are in focus near to but this tails off further away it appears.

The second one looks as if no flash but either (or both) a quick shot where you jabbed the shutter button, causing the camera to jerk, or a slow shutter speed because of the poor light and no flash.
The problem with the first photo, Mick, is that you're pushing your camera to its limits with the lighting. It looks like you used flash judging by the fall-off of the light, but the camera aperture is very wide and so the focus is limited - the tracks are in focus near to but this tails off further away it appears.

The second one looks as if no flash but either (or both) a quick shot where you jabbed the shutter button, causing the camera to jerk, or a slow shutter speed because of the poor light and no flash.

Me with a camera is a problem! I agee that I am causing the camera to move during the shot. The problem is how to get anything even near decent when trying to capture something moving. If I slow a train down the lights go dim or off - so if you spot one without the headlight on it probably because I have stopped it to take a pic!

I just use the camera for snap shots! I don't even have the patience to learn because I will forget - hence my tail line!
Stop the train...take photo...set train off on its way
I used to photo fast moving rally cars, I used to focus the camera on a spot where the action will happen, either in manual focus or auto focus by holding the shutter half way in, then when the car in my case got to the point I had focused on press the shutter. Brings back memory's standing in the wrong place with a telephoto lens thinking what great shots I am getting of spinning out rally cars..till one nearly got me :)
The weather has intervened in my plan to run a train every day. I did manage on Wednesday when I again used the RC BH. This time I ran it on the inner circle.....

22.02.17. - (6).JPG

22.02.17. - (7).JPG

and, around the corner, a possible predator ....

22.02.17. - (13).JPG

The supervisor (or whatever title she masquerades under) was also looking on ...
22.02.17. - (16).JPG

Today, it had stopped raining (and blowing things away) so I decided to clean the rails on the inner circle so I could run something track powered.

The rails were still wet so it was a tedious process. Also, the dead bits off the Leylandii, were causing an obstruction, so I got the old (as in 30 years) Wet n'dry vac out and sucked the bit up along the track I was cleaning - plus dirt, stones, gravel and ballast. Ballast I said to myself as I emptied the vac. After an hour or more I was able to run a train....

24.02.17. - (13).JPG
Yes, I'm keeping my eye on you!

24.02.17. - (11).JPG
The cleaned up section under the bushes (well a lot cleaner than it was at 8.00am)...
24.02.17. - (7).JPG
24.02.17. - (4).JPG
Still plenty more track to clean up though. Not putting the bridge back until the forecasted winds are done with. Well would you? Yesterday morning I found the gates wide open and one of the brick pavers lifted where gate's drop bolt located!
There seems to be a new alertness amongst the moggies. Something's afoot for sure!

(Nice pictures, too. Clearly it was a good upload day.)

I think there's some jealousy between the two of them - that's for sure!

I had absolutely no problem uploading to my thread today - unlike the other one (Building Dotti)!
Yesterday afternoon was the calm before the storm. It was quite mild and, as I was in the workshop dealing with another project, I got the Santa Fe RC out again. Truth be, I haven't put it away - it's there on the bench if I can't be bothered digging out some track powered stuff!
25.02.17. - (5).JPG
25.02.17. - (8).JPG
Weather not promising to be good today though but if I can get a quick fix I will:)!
I have immensely enjoyed your 'train a day' photos Mick.
I have run some live steam and battery but not done any electric powered stuff yet.
I might clean the track this coming week and run a few things