Travel, Art, Theatre, Music, Photography, Trains

Good job Mick.
Leylandii is indeed a hybrid (b*st*rd child of an unholy union)...
"Leylandii is a hybrid cross between two conifers that originate from different parts of the United States of America. The two conifers are the Monterey Cypress (Cupressus macrocarpa) – from which Leylandii gets its fast speed of growth - but this is not very hardy - and the Nootka Cypress (Chamaecyparis nootkatensis, more recently named Xanthocyparis nootkatensis) which is slower growing but from which Leylandii gets its hardiness. They would not meet under normal circumstances as, although they are both native to the same country, they live a long way from each other in the USA."
As they grow so darned quickly and, unless they were pruned to shape very very early on in their use, they will never stay a a good plant for use as scale tree.
I also found that juniperus has a tendency to want to bolt and it only stays anywhere near useful by ruthless pruning from a very early age. Even then, its trunk is growing in width!
They are the ones needing another prune in the photos
All of the trees (bushes) are now 11 years old:

Leylandii is indeed a hybrid (b*st*rd child of an unholy union)...
"Leylandii is a hybrid cross between two conifers that originate from different parts of the United States of America. The two conifers are the Monterey Cypress (Cupressus macrocarpa) – from which Leylandii gets its fast speed of growth - but this is not very hardy - and the Nootka Cypress (Chamaecyparis nootkatensis, more recently named Xanthocyparis nootkatensis) which is slower growing but from which Leylandii gets its hardiness. They would not meet under normal circumstances as, although they are both native to the same country, they live a long way from each other in the USA."
As they grow so darned quickly and, unless they were pruned to shape very very early on in their use, they will never stay a a good plant for use as scale tree.
I also found that juniperus has a tendency to want to bolt and it only stays anywhere near useful by ruthless pruning from a very early age. Even then, its trunk is growing in width!
They are the ones needing another prune in the photos
All of the trees (bushes) are now 11 years old: