Well didn't have any batteries, so it was a combined Sunday afternoon run and mini-shopping expedition. It rained as well so I left things until yesterday (when it rained again!).
The one good thing before we went out Sunday, was that I managed to modify the brackets and get all the gas struts in position...
The struts, as provided, are fully charged with Nitrogen giving a compressive force of 300 Newtons! Impossibe, of course to pull down and close the shutters. This were the adjustment comes in. At the end of the cylinder, in the brass connector, is a 3mm bleed screw.
The adjustment is obtained in split second increments so as not to let too much gas out! What is let out cannot be put back!. I approached the adjusting procedure with some trepidation!
You let some gas out of one, then go to the other and do same - alternating between the pair on each large shutter until you can successfully closed the shutter! Then I had to repeat the process on the other two shutters.
For the end shutters, I have fitted only one gas strut to each ...
The one strut is more than sufficient to raise and hold the shutter up. To maintain the cross level I have used the lift-off struts - one on either shutter - and they also offer support for the triangular 'filler' pieces which are quite large (6 x 4 x 4 feet approx) although lightweight.
Pic showing the corner infill ....
Closing up the shutters for the afternoon, I noticed that there was still a slight movement on the brackets. Even a couple of degrees alter the geometry and could mean that the toe (as in the heel is the hinged end) of the shutter/canopy is two low compared to its' neighbour!
So, for me, welding to the vertical pillars was the only option. It didn't need a full, all round weld, just on one vertical corner for each bracket. Withe canopies open, some shelter was provided from the wet stuff (thank goodness there was no breeze!). Having satisfied myself that all was level - or in-line - as the shutters are set to open at 87 degree so the rain water runs to the outside edge, I set to minor adjustments of the struts.
I suppose you would only know that you had let too much gas out when the strut failed to support the shutter in its' fully opened position!
and looking towards the sun...
After a number of interuptions to MY progress, I got the Hoover out and sucked up all the swarf and sawdust. Then it was a case of making good the butchered woodwork forming the rebate, sealling any joints between metal wood (for weather proofing) and also sealing the bolt heads on the exterior.
Hopefully, I can prime the effected areas and even get a colour coat on to match. Then I can patch in the P strip weather seal tomorrow!