Ox Mountain Railway

I spent an hour or two yesterday making one good chassis out of two! I got broken off my task but was eager to test it as soon as I could. So, when the opportunity arose, out came the loco...


She ran vvery smoothly (no more 'bag of spanners' noises) so I was well pleased with my efforts. Will try and post the mods in the correct place.
Just a couple of more jobs to carry out on her - the plastic handrails look like drooping spaghetti -----
Chassis mods for BH (12).JPG
... plus I need to make a couple of safety valves (one for this and the other for the next loco to receive a replacement chassis), and a cut bar is needed. Why does the plastic misform so much?
Yesterday, I decided to test my re-repaired RGS BH - the glue having had enough time to achieve maximum strength! All went well apart from a derailment of the tender as it came onto the bridge heading towards the 'main line' A close inspection - and a reconstruction of the incident - showed a gauge problem on the curve! Now rectified!

02.04.17.  (7).JPG 02.04.17.  (11).JPG
I also need to sort out the drooping Bachmann couplers on the that manufacturer's stock. It is quite easy - just need to sort it (Round Tu-it problem!).

Next out was a recent acquisition (collected Saturday) - a ET&WNC BH...

First loco only (just in case there were any issues)...

02.04.17.  (14).JPG
02.04.17.  (15).JPG
then with a three-coach set .....
02.04.17.  (17).JPG

02.04.17.  (20).JPG

02.04.17.  (18).JPG

The difference between the B H and the Annie version is quite a contrast (the BH being very much less than subtle in its' gaudy livery!). But, having six of the coaches means I can run two from this road on my trailer set-up (just need to consider renumbering the BH as both locos carry the same stock number)...
It's certainly a very striking livery, Mick, but it's always nice to have two in the same livery on layout to give the impression of cohesion of operations, as it were. (Not very well expressed, but I think people will understand.) Good, too, to stir up interest/friction (not the word I'm looking for, but it'll have to do - brain not working this morning!) along the lines of:

"Here comes the red and green one again!"

"No, it doesn't! That' not the same train, stupid!"

"Yes it is!"

"No it's not! Read the number! It's different!"

(Brief scuffle follows.)
It's certainly a very striking livery, Mick, but it's always nice to have two in the same livery on layout to give the impression of cohesion of operations, as it were. (Not very well expressed, but I think people will understand.) Good, too, to stir up interest/friction (not the word I'm looking for, but it'll have to do - brain not working this morning!) along the lines of:

"Here comes the red and green one again!"

"No, it doesn't! That' not the same train, stupid!"

"Yes it is!"

"No it's not! Read the number! It's different!"

(Brief scuffle follows.)

I'd forgotten how different until I got the Annie out for it's service yesterday afternoon! Took some pics before I put them in a box as an operating pair. Even started labelling the boxes again 'cos I can't remember what's in them when the're stacked up floor to ceiling .....

A tale of two locos (1).JPG A tale of two locos (2).JPG A tale of two locos (3).JPG A tale of two locos (6).JPG A tale of two locos (7).JPG
I reckon the numbering will stay as it is for the time being!
You could always make the one with the red roof 12A.

As regards the colours, the one with the red roof has more yellow in he mix and the other more blue.
You could always make the one with the red roof 12A.

As regards the colours, the one with the red roof has more yellow in he mix and the other more blue.

Yes I had thought of that - don't think I have enough gold A's:). Leeds trams sometimes carried a suffix letter if they were on the withdrawn list but had to re-enter service for a short while.
Yesterday was a busy day - even managed to cut some grass - but I did run a train for a short while - even if it was a short one!
04.04.17 - Santa Fe shorty (4).JPG 04.04.17 - Santa Fe shorty (5).JPG 04.04.17 - Santa Fe shorty (6).JPG 04.04.17 - Santa Fe shorty (9).JPG
I'm slowly acquiring Santa Fe rolling stock now I've sorted my SF BH.- although the price as to match the criteria of the SADP syndrome (Short arms, deep pockets)!
Well, I'm making some progress with the Gas Strut fitting on my trailer -

Pics showing how it's been for the last nine years. Although, in relation to their dimesions (nominal 4ft x 7ft on the 'front' and 6x4 at the ends) they are light-weight - 22 to 23kg each - I find it difficult holding the shutter up whilst attaching the struts/stays.

No gain without pain  (2).JPG

Once the stays are in place, simple R clips stop them from being pulled off..

No gain without pain  (1).JPG
No gain without pain  (3).JPG

No gain without pain  (4).JPG

My chief problem has been how to attach the bottom of the gas struts.

For the gas struts to function correctly, dimension are critical. The top mounting has to be 239mm from the centre of the hinge pins, whilst the bottom fixing has to be 665mm distance from that same hinge pin (as a vertical measurement).

However, on an horizontal plane, the geometry dictates that the mounting must be 120mm in from the outside face of the trailer. This then allows the 700mm+ strut to close up without ramming the piston into the end of the cylinder.

So, I had to make some new mounting brackets which, incidentally, fit above the brackets for the lift-off stays (a form of insurance - meaning that I can resort to using the old stay/s if a gas strut fails).

As the geometry is the same for the smaller end shutters, this presents a problem for mounting a strut in the front corner! At this stage, I'm only going to fit one gas strut to these end shutters and will retain the lift-off ones at the 'front' corners.

The brackets as fabricated on Friday (Lloyds registered or coded welders avert your eyes at the 'bird muck' welding. The word muck is a euphemism!)....

The two double brackets are for the pillars.
No gain without pain  (5).JPG
However, because these brackets are, in practice cantilevered from the vertical pillars, it means they take an immense downward load/force.

to be continued (when I change the batteries in the camera!).
Well didn't have any batteries, so it was a combined Sunday afternoon run and mini-shopping expedition. It rained as well so I left things until yesterday (when it rained again!).

The one good thing before we went out Sunday, was that I managed to modify the brackets and get all the gas struts in position...
No gain without pain (9).JPG

The struts, as provided, are fully charged with Nitrogen giving a compressive force of 300 Newtons! Impossibe, of course to pull down and close the shutters. This were the adjustment comes in. At the end of the cylinder, in the brass connector, is a 3mm bleed screw.

The adjustment is obtained in split second increments so as not to let too much gas out! What is let out cannot be put back!. I approached the adjusting procedure with some trepidation!

You let some gas out of one, then go to the other and do same - alternating between the pair on each large shutter until you can successfully closed the shutter! Then I had to repeat the process on the other two shutters.

For the end shutters, I have fitted only one gas strut to each ...
No gain without pain (11).JPG
The one strut is more than sufficient to raise and hold the shutter up. To maintain the cross level I have used the lift-off struts - one on either shutter - and they also offer support for the triangular 'filler' pieces which are quite large (6 x 4 x 4 feet approx) although lightweight.

Pic showing the corner infill ....
Closing up the shutters for the afternoon, I noticed that there was still a slight movement on the brackets. Even a couple of degrees alter the geometry and could mean that the toe (as in the heel is the hinged end) of the shutter/canopy is two low compared to its' neighbour!

So, for me, welding to the vertical pillars was the only option. It didn't need a full, all round weld, just on one vertical corner for each bracket. Withe canopies open, some shelter was provided from the wet stuff (thank goodness there was no breeze!). Having satisfied myself that all was level - or in-line - as the shutters are set to open at 87 degree so the rain water runs to the outside edge, I set to minor adjustments of the struts.

I suppose you would only know that you had let too much gas out when the strut failed to support the shutter in its' fully opened position!
No gain without pain (10).JPG
and looking towards the sun...
No gain without pain (12).JPG
After a number of interuptions to MY progress, I got the Hoover out and sucked up all the swarf and sawdust. Then it was a case of making good the butchered woodwork forming the rebate, sealling any joints between metal wood (for weather proofing) and also sealing the bolt heads on the exterior.

Hopefully, I can prime the effected areas and even get a colour coat on to match. Then I can patch in the P strip weather seal tomorrow!
Well, so much for expected progress! I washed the trailer - starting with the roof - and it looked better than I expected. The vinyl pictures, that I printed, have been bleached out of most colours - so I need to do something there. I did buy some magnetic tape to stick on, so I could use magnetic signs, but haven't yet found anybody locally at the moment to produce them. If I do find a local company, I might yet return to self-adhesive vinyls. I have both materials available for me to print out.

After it had all dried I went and touched up the paintwork over a three day period (don't like watching paint dry) and it looks tidy if nothing else.
Washed & paintwork touched up! (1).JPG Washed & paintwork touched up! (2).JPG
The train now standing (yesterday) was Monday's test train which pulled the other three coaches I was looking for (found them in their box under the layout!) ....
Test train still waiting ....JPG
One of the coaches had a drooping coupling which usually causes anything suffering this Bachmann syndrome to divorce itself from whatever it is coupled up to. A simple bodge is to get the offending coupling to tilt upwards - a thin (1.0mm) slice of plastic inserted between the shank and the truck mounting point...

The inserted bit is white
White knuckle improvement aid (1).JPG
Result... taking in the slack Knuckle mounting, the assembly looks to be horizontal (which is the required result)..
White knuckle improvement aid (2).JPG
No, it's not you eyesight - just my photography!

I also tested the canopy insert pieces in situ to determine the extra weight 'effect' on the gas struts. No problems encountered..

Corner infill...
Canopy add-ons - weight testing (2).JPG
.. and one of the canopy infils that stop the rain pouring through (off the roof) through what normally would be a gap..
Canopy add-ons - weight testing (1).JPG
And then down to the task of repairing what I have damaged in the gas strut fitting saga. Nothing deliberate - just fell over, grabbed the metal strut I was inserting to hold the canopy up (task not quite completed:oops:), that came off and I crunched the fence! At least I didn't fall on the drawbar:)!


Stock servicing and tweeking continues (in case I make up my mind to venture out on Sunday).
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Well have to further consultation with the garage as to whether the car would make it there and back, I took the plunge. A round trip of 136k - warning lights on and off - but we made it! I only ran four locos all day - two exchanged duties (running/shelf), and the other Annie (Rio Grande Southern) ran for about 8 hours.

I did try the Aristo 0-4-0 but could not operate it simultaneously with the BHs because it went too fast.

I didn't take any pics of operations - just a few of the layout...
Easter Sunday - Mayo Ploughing Competition 2017 (5).JPG
Easter Sunday - Mayo Ploughing Competition 2017 (3).JPG
Easter Sunday - Mayo Ploughing Competition 2017 (12).JPG
Easter Sunday - Mayo Ploughing Competition 2017 (13).JPG
Easter Sunday - Mayo Ploughing Competition 2017 (14).JPG

I took too much stuff with me and it was difficult to sort the boxes (not enough space). So, over the next few days, I'll have a serious sort out for my next outing (Co. Donegal) in two weeks time.
Finally got hold of the Locking Sleeves for the gas struts yesterday (posted on 12th!). Fairly easy to fit but needed to remove strut from bottom mounting bracket, then take off the 'eye' fitting, slide on the sleeve, then reassemble and remount.

Closed up on end shutter..
Locking sleeves (1).JPG

Open on long side shutter (only one sleeve required per pair of struts)..
Locking sleeves (2).JPG

And press the orange plastic to release, keeping it pressed as you pull down on the shutter until the sleeve slides up the cylinder (then you can remove your pinky from the plastic)...
Locking sleeves (4).JPG

So that's an elf & safety bonus. Next show is a week on Sunday and I'll have less worries and less weight - the latter being a spare fixed strut for each shutter that is no longer required.

Also, slightly slimmed down the items of rolling stock (only slightly!).
I took too much stuff with me and it was difficult to sort the boxes (not enough space). So, over the next few days, I'll have a serious sort out for my next outing (Co. Donegal) in two weeks time.

The layout looks great, Mick and I'm sure it gave everyone a lot of enjoyment.

As for taking too much, I need to start sorting out stuff for the annual show at Kirkbean, unfortunately, the stuff from last year hasn't been sorted out and put away yet!
The layout looks great, Mick and I'm sure it gave everyone a lot of enjoyment.

As for taking too much, I need to start sorting out stuff for the annual show at Kirkbean, unfortunately, the stuff from last year hasn't been sorted out and put away yet!

I'm beginning to think less is more! But I need to make a conscious effort.
Well,apart from shows, train testing seems to have gone out of the window (daily intentions not fulfilled). However, the railway is never far from my wind.

Weeds are a problem - dandelions annoy me - and even wanted plants are getting out of bounds. Miniature conifers are not so small now but some do respond to being cut.
Clipped shrubs.JPG The box shrubs have had a mass of new growth clipped away too.

But I have a problem with the darker green Leylandii (centre of pic) - only the immediate outside has any green to it - the interior is a mass of brown (dead).

So I think I need to eliminate the larger ones. I had toyed with the idea of cutting out the interior completely and tying the outer growth together to reduce the size. Also, a Hebe has run riot. SWMBO is good with cuttings but I don't know if the species will respond.

Hebe in front of the window with the offending Leylandii at its side.
Sunny views (1).JPG
The lighter green Cypress will respond to the shears but it may be the end for its' neighbours!Sunny views (3).JPG

So I guess it's felling time!
Another day (yesterday) pruning and hacking. Drastically reduced the Hebe and adajacent Leylandii - compare to Pic2 in post 741 above..
More clipped shrubs (1).JPG
I cut the centre out of the darker green conifer, then pulled in what remained of the outer branches to reduce the overall diameter by 50%... Baling twine comes in handy again.
More clipped shrubs (3).JPG

The savagely attacked Hebe ..... "Will ye no come back again?" .....
More clipped shrubs (4).JPG
The green, grass looking, effect is actually dense concentrations of Grape Hyacinths. So prolific it's at the weed stage!

SWMBO has already potted cuttings of the Hebe and Leylandii so I will have something to fill the space if I have overdone the hatchet approach!
Another day (yesterday) pruning and hacking. Drastically reduced the Hebe and adajacent Leylandii - compare to Pic2 in post 741 above..
View attachment 222572
I cut the centre out of the darker green conifer, then pulled in what remained of the outer branches to reduce the overall diameter by 50%... Baling twine comes in handy again.
View attachment 222573

The savagely attacked Hebe ..... "Will ye no come back again?" .....
View attachment 222574
The green, grass looking, effect is actually dense concentrations of Grape Hyacinths. So prolific it's at the weed stage!

SWMBO has already potted cuttings of the Hebe and Leylandii so I will have something to fill the space if I have overdone the hatchet approach!
Yeah, we do particularly well :eek::eek::eek: for Grape Hyacinths - had a couple up in the middle of the lawn recently, and that is with weekly mowing

Be interested if your good lady can get the conifer (Leylandii) cutting to take - not that I'd want one, I have removed dozens from my garden - from 10 - 15 ft that I removed and some bigger ones that a tree feller dealt with (although there was only him and his lad :D:D:cool: )

(The reason for the Wild West Norfolk Route 'summit' point, is a smaller Leylandii tree root that I couldn't remove., the line then dog-legs in front of another couple of awkward stumps :rock::rock::rock:

From the small time I worked with landscape contractors, I seem to remember that Leylandii is a hybrid, which could be fun when it comes to cuttings.........:smoke::smoke::smoke: