Well yesterday evening was an opportunity with the evening sun slowly descending from the sky.
I decided at 18.30 hours that better get off my posterior and tackle the application of the new vinyls made especially for me by Richard.
I had to get the two lambs out of the way first before I could get the barn door open and the car in to drag the trailer out. A lttle taste of Lamb Munchy kept them quite for about two minutes.
I loaded the car up with the mini stepladders, the vinyls, water spray, pencil and the like before I backed it in.
Once out it was time to start work. Didn't need the stepladders to climb on as the soft ground made it a lot easier for little old me to reach..

Until I dragged it out, I wasn't aware of how the cream had faded - as the new paint shows up - despite trying to feather off!
The stepladder did come in useful though..

After marking out where the they would go, it was a fairly quick process in applying them. Because of the vertical beading (between the D and the E) it wasn't possible to get the four vinyls equi-distant.
The first one I applied a light mist of water on the location and used a plastic squeegee to help eliminate the water and air bubbles. I had problems removing the outer covering as I may have squirted too much water and the carrier paper was sticking stronger to the vinyl than the vinyl was sticking to the panel!
The remaining three vinyls were just positioned according to my pencil marks and rubbed down using the backing paper as an interface between the vinyl and the squeegee.
The trouble with WBP ply is that, even after seven coats of paint, the wood grain and manufacturing defects show up as blemishes on the surface if you look at the panel close up.
Anyway enough of my shortcomings, I think Richard's work looks marvellous and the red line works a treat!

And some pics of each vinyl......

So, I am one happy bunny thanks to Richards generosity!