Ox Mountain Railway

Well yesterday evening was an opportunity with the evening sun slowly descending from the sky.

I decided at 18.30 hours that better get off my posterior and tackle the application of the new vinyls made especially for me by Richard.

I had to get the two lambs out of the way first before I could get the barn door open and the car in to drag the trailer out. A lttle taste of Lamb Munchy kept them quite for about two minutes.

I loaded the car up with the mini stepladders, the vinyls, water spray, pencil and the like before I backed it in.

Once out it was time to start work. Didn't need the stepladders to climb on as the soft ground made it a lot easier for little old me to reach..

New Vinyls (1).JPG
Until I dragged it out, I wasn't aware of how the cream had faded - as the new paint shows up - despite trying to feather off!

The stepladder did come in useful though..

New Vinyls (3).JPG
After marking out where the they would go, it was a fairly quick process in applying them. Because of the vertical beading (between the D and the E) it wasn't possible to get the four vinyls equi-distant.

New Vinyls (2).JPG

The first one I applied a light mist of water on the location and used a plastic squeegee to help eliminate the water and air bubbles. I had problems removing the outer covering as I may have squirted too much water and the carrier paper was sticking stronger to the vinyl than the vinyl was sticking to the panel!

The remaining three vinyls were just positioned according to my pencil marks and rubbed down using the backing paper as an interface between the vinyl and the squeegee.

The trouble with WBP ply is that, even after seven coats of paint, the wood grain and manufacturing defects show up as blemishes on the surface if you look at the panel close up.

Anyway enough of my shortcomings, I think Richard's work looks marvellous and the red line works a treat!

New Vinyls (4).JPG
And some pics of each vinyl......

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New Vinyls (8).JPG
New Vinyls (5).JPG

New Vinyls (6).JPG
So, I am one happy bunny thanks to Richards generosity!
looks good, looks very good.

And if it's cold and wet and the rain keeps blowing into the trailer, you can just shut up shop and tell people to look at the vinyls.
Nice, and 'what a nice man'.
looks good, looks very good.

And if it's cold and wet and the rain keeps blowing into the trailer, you can just shut up shop and tell people to look at the vinyls.

I feel like doing that sometimes (even when it isn't raining) but the thing I like, when arriving at a showground and a steward asks "What have you brought?" my repost being "exactly what it says on the box" - accompanied by rearward gesture out of the window.>:)
Oops sorry mick, should have said to leave the vinyls in place for a few hours/ day and cure (the mist you applied to dry a little) before removing the backing paper but they look great and tidy. Hope the mayo moisture doesn't attack them too much.
Well, I did try to do something constructive today. I put the bridges back in position - I cannot remember when a train last traversed the extension (must be a few months ago).

I had to insert some short (as in 10mm long) pieces of rail on the arched bridge as the rails did not reach the metal one! I think the strip of land by the hedge is slowly migrating towards the stream!

I cleaned the track and was going to test continuity but it looked a bit dull so I thought I'd chance running a train.....

9.10.17.  (1).JPG
Yep - I had help!

Ladies first ...
9.10.17.  (3).JPG

So I had to wait until the line was clear ....
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However, the help soon reappeared ....
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The train stopped just before the loop...9.10.17.  (8).JPG

So Mae, who might have intended to pounce, was a little disappointed! It started to drizzle so I hurriedly put things away - track testing's a job for another day.
I ran a train for the new year. Mainly to test a camera to see if I could get to the bottom of my jpeg versus png picture posting. So here goes ...



So apart from the (usual) quality, they all posted fine - even picture 3 which had been processed to flip it the right way up! My seventeen year old mini pocket camera jpegs are OK - which leads me to think that the Fuji Finepix may not be so fine!!!!
I ran a train for the new year. Mainly to test a camera to see if I could get to the bottom of my jpeg versus png picture posting. So here goes ...

My seventeen year old mini pocket camera jpegs are OK - which leads me to think that the Fuji Finepix may not be so fine!!!!

Is it anything to do with the picture size in the camera? I suspect the old mini pocket camera images will be substantially smaller.
I suspect it may be the 'jpeg' image.. There are variations on the format.
There are certainly differences between 'bog-standard' jpeg's and those from an I-Phone camera.
Is it anything to do with the picture size in the camera? I suspect the old mini pocket camera images will be substantially smaller.

The mini camera (at highest resolution) gives a size just over 500kb, whereas the Fuji is set at around 470kb.

I've been wracking my brain (for some considerable time:() as to why the Fuji ones will not post. Another possibility - pointed out by No.1 son - is that the xD card maybe needs replacing. I'm going to try that 'fix' today! He's ordered me an xD to mini sD converter. The only spare xD card I have is 16mb - but that's more than adequate.
I suspect it may be the 'jpeg' image.. There are variations on the format.
There are certainly differences between 'bog-standard' jpeg's and those from an I-Phone camera.

Yes there are variations (like jpg) but I haven't altered the way I upload or save the images (as jpegs). They worked on XP absolutely fine - and those images are still uploadable to here without problems. I was blaming Wind-up 10 - they worked prior to a major change a year ago but I don't think that's the case. Downloading the camera to my Win7 lappy didn't work either. So, it could be as you say Phil. I will get to the bottom of it (well maybe!).
Right! The following images are taken on my Doro phone -

The next two (same views) taken with the mini camera....

and the last taken with Fuji with original xD card in .....

Well all loaded up OK. Next job will be to put back the xD card (that I have used for some considerable time) back in.