Ox Mountain Railway

Here goes.....


DSCF9494 - Copy.JPG

Edit; Replaced with the above. No.I son has installed Picture-it 7 for me and that works fine (and I am so familiar with it). Extra results!!!!!!!

And the third image should be a cropped edition of the one immediately above. This leads me to conclude that the program I have been using to tidy up my messy pics is the culprit! My finger points at Microsoft Office Picture Manager but I'm now going to try Paint as an editor and save as a jpeg (instead of a png when all else fails!).

Carp editing I know - but it proves that it is the flipping Picture Manager!

So the moral of this story is to learn how to take decent shots! My father used to say "Miracles while you wait - but the Impossible may take a little longer!".
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I expect Tomas & Mae will have you believe that any photo excluding them will be rubbish!....

The wife caught Tomas with a wren this morning and it got away from him. It dived into one of my wellies and she took it outside and set it free. Two hours later, he's still puzzled as to where it's gone!
I am using a Finepix (8400, I think) with no problems. On full resolution.
I am using a Finepix (8400, I think) with no problems. On full resolution.

It has been a long process of elimination - now the only problem is the camera operator! Who would have thought that my picture posting problem would have been down to Microsoft?
The wife caught Tomas with a wren this morning and it got away from him. It dived into one of my wellies and she took it outside and set it free. Two hours later, he's still puzzled as to where it's gone!

In my mind ...she caught Thomas the tank engine with a female RAF (Wren) and took them out side...glad the photos are sorted
No, WRENS were Women's Royal Naval Service, WRNS. Female RAF members were WAAFS.


Managed to sort out the 'ratchet' on my crane - as in sort by removing it! It is my intention to have a full MOW train. This moved forward when I secured a car on ebay. Then a bash of a Train gondola (still need bits adding), enabled be to run a 'shortie'.

05.01.18 -  (8).JPG
05.01.18 -  (4).JPG
05.01.18 -  (3).JPG
05.01.18 -  (7).JPG
I need to make a support for the jib and make the said jib return to centre when coming off curves. Plus I need to acquire or build plenty more cars to make up a suitable consist. I have plenty of pics to go on. At the moment, everything's back on the shelf until I get the usual Round Tu-it!
Well I'm still managing to run the odd train -

Saturday the 7th ..... Had to really crouch down to take this shot. Getting back up was another story;).....
06.01.18 - Fuji  (3).JPG

06.01.18 - Fuji  (2).JPG
06.01.18 - phone  (6).jpg
..... and then yesterday the 8th .....






The 'Freight Depot' (bottom left) which houses the (now defunct) controls, is in need of a total rebuild using something other than wood. I has only lasted just over twelve years:cry:
Well it's two months or more since I posted on here. On the one or two good days I've had to do other things but, today, I thought I'd make up a short TT train. Only reason for doing this was to run one of my latest acquisitions - namely an Emily Brake Third!

Brake Third (4).JPG
Now this coach is a little different - it has sounds and a light! It is also (nicely) lettered...

Brake Third (3).JPG
The sound - remotely controlled - comes from a cut up TT childs toy (I was going to say butchered but that would have been unfair to anyone in the trade used to cleaving lamp chops).

Brake Third (1).JPG
The lampholder is track powered via bullet contacts on the inside of the wheelset, whilst the dual-sound unit is battery powered.

Brake Third (2).JPG

The remote control (above) is switchable from steam sounds and whistle, to the TT theme tune. As well as wanting a brake third (and an Emily too), I thought the sound addition might entertain the kids at shows.

Although the donor toy was cut up, the whole concept showed some good lateral thinking at work. I don't really collect boxes (although I must have a 100 or more) so at £40 I feel quite happy with my purchase. There are no scratches externally so I'm quite pleased!