Ox Mountain Railway

Yes you're right about the (non) eco friendly side of things. Even five hours after I used the treatment I could smell it outside!

Well I managed to determine how things were going to play out if I didn't widen the first base -
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as can be seen, it had to be widened. However, nothing is wasted as the outside plank (No.4) became No.5 when its' place was taken by a new No.4.
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So, the boards were coated both sides with the "correct" wood treatment and then placed back together -
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I'll see what tomorrow brings - the wee beasties have been biting (face and neck like a Dot to Dot puzzle!). Anybody in the Highlands have a cure?
An excellent, workmanlike job :rock:
Yes you're right about the (non) eco friendly side of things. Even five hours after I used the treatment I could smell it outside!

Well I managed to determine how things were going to play out if I didn't widen the first base -
View attachment 289549
as can be seen, it had to be widened. However, nothing is wasted as the outside plank (No.4) became No.5 when its' place was taken by a new No.4.
View attachment 289550
So, the boards were coated both sides with the "correct" wood treatment and then placed back together -
View attachment 289551

I'll see what tomorrow brings - the wee beasties have been biting (face and neck like a Dot to Dot puzzle!). Anybody in the Highlands have a cure?
Eat lots of Garlic, they do not like the taste or smell of it so I gather.
Eat lots of Garlic, they do not like the taste or smell of it so I gather.
Neither do I! The only garlic I take - as in swallow - is the garlic pearls.
So, because of the promise of some rain, I thought I'd get on with fitting the legs to support the boards. Well, we all know what thought did don't we?

The legs are reclaimed round fence posts, cut into 300mm sections, and given fence treatment. To try and eliminate the bottom of the legs going rotten, I thought of putting a threaded bolt, with a nut and washer (to facilitate adjustment) inserted in a pre-drille hole. So far, those thoughts or intentions seemed OK. After feeding the goats, I went into the workshop to dig out a bundle of 300mm x 8mm threaded rod so I could cut to suit the legs.

Well I spent nearly an hour looking for the rods. I had the flanged nuts and washers to hand so where were those rods? Next search area was the house - no luck there! So I went onto fleabay to look at my purchases for 2021, It would have been a while ago but nothing showed up! What I had
done was search for them but must have got distracted so never ordered them!!!!! So that's what thought did.

In the end I used 6mm roofing bolts with square nuts. Tedious to say the least - had to lay down on the floor to reach underneath the boards the, once at the right height, I had to kneel up and insert a screw through the board into the top of the leg .Anyway, after a lot aching and cursing, the job of replacing the boards is done.


I might put a membrane (felt) under each line to ballast width but not sure at the moment. I was going to give a further coat of wood treat (water based this time), but the arrival of dampness put paid to that. Also I now have some other demanding projects to start!

2 mixed bags, and one building sand, to use (only 3 tonne). :banghead:


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Neither do I! The only garlic I take - as in swallow - is the garlic pearls.
Boots, see photo below, loved garlic and for many years had a garlic capsule a day at breakfast time.

He also loved chicken tikka marsala slices and pasta, again, probably the garlic was part of the attractionBoots.jpg
Well yesterday morning I got the wheelbarrow out and a shovel, and took a few shovelfulls of sand out of the bag. Add some OP cement, got a little trowel out and mixed some compo. Filled in a few cracks, cemented the leg bolts in position, then built up the concrete bridge abutment. This was early on as I thought I'd beat the rain. Alas I didn't beat 'cos it didn't rain :banghead:. So after washing the barrow out, it was time to shovel gravel for the raised beds I'm creating for SWMBO!:banghead:

Anyway, a couple of pics for the railway related item!

The abutment filled in with mortar and the odd bits of concrete that once surrounded the station building -
Rebuilding  (29).JPG

and then the gobbed up feet -
Rebuilding  (30).JPG

Need to sweep up again, make power connections, put the buckets of ballast out of the way under the boards, then start rebuilding the trestle in stages. Don't know when I'll restart, but I'll need a rest after I've finished with the gravel:banghead:
Yesterday was a busy day. The ground was a bit damp to lie down on (to connect the track feed), so I had a go at repairing the spalling render on the gable wall of the shed. I figured that any remaining mortar would be directed towards the the return loop of the stream side line;-

Weeds play a major part in my frustrations, but so do other facets of nature! The loop "base board" was beginning to sag and a close inspection revealed that the plywood had de-laminated and the torch-on felt had cracked at the edges (allowed a veritable banquet for the wood lice).

I knew it was going to go like that, which is why I'd placed a few stones underneath to help support things. However "things" were no longer in the correct plane so hence the mortar.

So that is just a starter on beating the inadequacies into a pulp (or flakes). The pine needles are another source of annoyance. C'est la vie!

Falling dampness is another obstacle to further progress today so at least I'll have a rest maybe?

PS - maybe I should call this area Tombstone!
So, after mixing some compo again, I finally managed to support the sagging loop! It's crude I know but I neither have the patience or energy to totally rebuild the loop. On the stream side of the hedge, the bank fall steeply down to the water, and access is difficult. When the rest of the loop decides to decay, I'll have to fix it!

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Rebuilding (35).JPG
So, all gobbed up and going nowhere. Now I can go back to the rebuild I started!
So, back to it, I had problems with the power feed to the track on the new baseboards. Although I hadn't butchered the feed in my "crash, bang, wallop" dismantling (maybe should read destruction?), it didn't work.

When I built the railway (and added to it) the feeds were independantly switched but, with the contributor (moisture) to the 40 Shades of Green being an outstanding feature, switches eventuall seized up. Maybe the one for this section had failed in the off position and the power was just a back-feed from the next section? Anyway, in the end, I just took out the insulator from the positive rail and put in a clamp!

Having waited (as in dozed off in front of the telly) for quite some time, I finally managed to kick myself into gear and tested with a train. Although it all worked, I had to turn up the power to get the lights to come on. I should have used the Crest remote but couldn't bothered - besides, rain might have interupted proceedings. Because it was running faster, it wasn't as easy to take pics but mother nature intervened and I had to turn the power off! No harm done though!

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Just testing (4).JPG

.... and the halted train, courtesy of the impeding plant life!
Just testing (5).JPG

So the shear joy of pruning and clipping will be the next job. Well, it will be only the third time this year :banghead:

As regards further track feeding, I've ordered a coil of "Oxygen Free" 2.5mm twin flex 'cos I've run out of wire!
I spent several hours yesterday removing weeds from around the line (still to remove the Dandys coming up between the sleepers/ties). Tested the new baseboard and it supported me as I walked along it to do the weeding! Hope to finish the weeding this morning then we can test a train!
I managed to remove most of the weeds yesterday but, I know, the inaccessible dandelion roots will sprout again :banghead:. A few pics of the dratted weeds and how I get them (temporary) out of the way!

Pruning & weeding (2).JPG
Pruning & weeding (3).JPG

and I use a mastic (finger) trowel to get the greenery from inbetween the sleepers/ties....
Pruning & weeding (4).JPG

There even plantains growing in the tunnels - do they dislike the rain I wonder? Anyway there was clipping or pruning to do to the bushes - which always leaves a mess (I use a stiff bristle hand brush to try and sweep them up) .....

Pruning & weeding (1).JPG

Then, after a clear-up (still some more bushes to trim), I thought I'd run a test train. Using the Playmo diesel and my track cleaning truck, I circumnavigated the outer loop before travelling onto to the high level line! I tried hauling the truck but there were a couple of derailments so I opted to push it. The first derailment was on the tight (R1) bends ......

Pruning & weeding (9).JPG
.... there wasn't enough clearance! So it was out with the secateurs - both at that location and further on down the line - and the maintenance train could then proceed!
Pruning & weeding (10).JPG

It derailed again coming off the bridge because I'd left some of the pruning detritus on the track!
Pruning & weeding (11).JPG

So, on to the inner loop, a circuit, then back on to to the outer loop. I still need to test a track powered train but, with all the bending and kneeling down, I was too tired. Besides, other gardening chores beckoned:banghead:. I just had to cut the grass at the far end of the house - left for the wild life, it was so long I kept getting my feet fast! Still more of that to do if there's a bright spell or two today.
I managed to remove most of the weeds yesterday but, I know, the inaccessible dandelion roots will sprout again :banghead:. A few pics of the dratted weeds and how I get them (temporary) out of the way!

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and I use a mastic (finger) trowel to get the greenery from inbetween the sleepers/ties....
View attachment 290131

There even plantains growing in the tunnels - do they dislike the rain I wonder? Anyway there was clipping or pruning to do to the bushes - which always leaves a mess (I use a stiff bristle hand brush to try and sweep them up) .....

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Then, after a clear-up (still some more bushes to trim), I thought I'd run a test train. Using the Playmo diesel and my track cleaning truck, I circumnavigated the outer loop before travelling onto to the high level line! I tried hauling the truck but there were a couple of derailments so I opted to push it. The first derailment was on the tight (R1) bends ......

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.... there wasn't enough clearance! So it was out with the secateurs - both at that location and further on down the line - and the maintenance train could then proceed!
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It derailed again coming off the bridge because I'd left some of the pruning detritus on the track!
View attachment 290135

So, on to the inner loop, a circuit, then back on to to the outer loop. I still need to test a track powered train but, with all the bending and kneeling down, I was too tired. Besides, other gardening chores beckoned:banghead:. I just had to cut the grass at the far end of the house - left for the wild life, it was so long I kept getting my feet fast! Still more of that to do if there's a bright spell or two today.
A possible tip for the dandelions roots that will nit harm any of your beasties, a good strong mix of salty water has been known to help. Just as you have cut them best time to administer it. Another good one is to keep on pruning them as they will spend so much energy trying to get to flower and seed they will give up. I managed to clear my lawn in hemel this way, generally getting them as they came into flower. The same trick has worked for me here as well.
I managed to remove most of the weeds yesterday but, I know, the inaccessible dandelion roots will sprout again
If you don't get the long root out they will sprout again, if getting to the root is problematic, then a strong weed killer may be the only solution. I dig out all my dandelions in both the railway and garden, and after 10 years they still appear, but in very few numbers.