I managed to remove most of the weeds yesterday but, I know, the inaccessible dandelion roots will sprout again

. A few pics of the dratted weeds and how I get them (temporary) out of the way!
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and I use a mastic (finger) trowel to get the greenery from inbetween the sleepers/ties....
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There even plantains growing in the tunnels - do they dislike the rain I wonder? Anyway there was clipping or pruning to do to the bushes - which always leaves a mess (I use a stiff bristle hand brush to try and sweep them up) .....
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Then, after a clear-up (still some more bushes to trim), I thought I'd run a test train. Using the Playmo diesel and my track cleaning truck, I circumnavigated the outer loop before travelling onto to the high level line! I tried hauling the truck but there were a couple of derailments so I opted to push it. The first derailment was on the tight (R1) bends ......
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.... there wasn't enough clearance! So it was out with the secateurs - both at that location and further on down the line - and the maintenance train could then proceed!
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It derailed again coming off the bridge because I'd left some of the pruning detritus on the track!
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So, on to the inner loop, a circuit, then back on to to the outer loop. I still need to test a track powered train but, with all the bending and kneeling down, I was too tired. Besides, other gardening chores beckoned

. I just had to cut the grass at the far end of the house - left for the wild life, it was so long I kept getting my feet fast! Still more of that to do if there's a bright spell or two today.