Thursday was another "soft" day with the added complication of a strong wind. I wanted to cover the baseboard in felt as well as finish off framing up the missing section of the loop. The latter was done in situ and then dismantled (for the need to feed the loop through the fence and back). I found the roll ends of torch-on felt I had been looking for and decided I would try and do the job inside.
First problem - no propane for the roofing torch and the second was having to crouch down to do the job (not wanting to set fire to benches or the like

It took a couple of hours fiddling with a normal gas blowlamp and when done I took it outside just in case there was any timber smouldering! Anyway - the pics....
Friday morning - the open loop ready for threading through the sheep netting with track screwed down (and tested for electrical continuity!) ..
The difficult bit completed (threading through, securing and leveling, finishing felting - no wind thank goodness - and the track down! ..
I wanted to test it out so I used my latest acquisition to prove the track and the power continuity. There are no feeders in at the moment so the whole track length (120 feet) was energised by its connection to the original line. Five pics of the "prooving" ....
Some views of the extension....
Looking towards the loop - the farthest extent of my line now ...
The loop again ...
And finally, looking through the fence into our neighbour's bog field - with the stream some 6 foot below the level of our drive. It was not an easy job working on the steep slope with briars and rotting branches. I can see another job looming up. SWMBO reckons I should do something to prevent locos, or stock, falling into the stream! She's right of course! ...
So, apart from cosmetic enhancements - gardening bit - there is a need for feeder cables and also a chance to place a building or two in the loop area ( but musn't desecrate the cat's final resting place!), and I must consider something to catch errant railed [de-railed?] vehicles - I need to prepare for the "official opening"

When time permits!. Also going to a small mod on the bridge and finish off the arched bridge. Then finish off ............