Interested in vintage commercial vehicle, trams, t

Did a tiny bit of work on the trestles - the three strips of treated wood were placed in position and nailed. I used the electric nail gun as it was smaller than using a battery drill and screws (shrubs and vegitation in the way) ......

You might also notice a different material in the bottom left of the above pic. It's a strip of plastic rainwater pipe left over from capping the top of the new hayshed doors. I did mix some paint to match the shade of the treated wood. Although I nailed the plastic on, I think it might be better screwed into position. That will not be today - raining nearly all day I think! Also, the top timber on the left needs some remedial action!

You might also notice a different material in the bottom left of the above pic. It's a strip of plastic rainwater pipe left over from capping the top of the new hayshed doors. I did mix some paint to match the shade of the treated wood. Although I nailed the plastic on, I think it might be better screwed into position. That will not be today - raining nearly all day I think! Also, the top timber on the left needs some remedial action!