... here's the back shelves (with running line below), on which are placed locos and stock ready for placing on the track. It saves a lot of time and continuous bending and struggling! ....
Bridging the gap - a few coffee stirrers, etc. ......
The batteries (only in the trailer during the operating period due to the need for safe transport and charging once back home). They are also used for scenery lighting and for the two 20w lights on the ceiling ...
The analogue controls. There are nine switchable track sections - plus a remote 'on and off' if I need to stop and rerail something. Running more than two trains can lead to a few unscheduled problems! .....
Below baseboard storage at the from (tow hitch) end. My ubiquitious collection of veg boxes each hold two tender locos, or three coaches, or ....... There are twelve boxes at this end of the trailer when packed for travel ....
At the rear end, These are just there for operatin freedom (to reach all the other boxes!). Normally the larger boxes (stored outside under the end baseboard when operating) reside here ....
The large boxes - the biggest placed inside a storage bag in case the ground is wet outside ...
The rear portion (which slopes upwards to give the trailer ground clearance when the transition from road to field might be an abstacle), houses ramps, jacks, packing, fence and canopy supports, the bridge, my 3-legged stool, mats, etc. .....