Ox Mountain Railway

That's a shame Mike - I quite like it (reminds me of a 17thC building):thumbup:
great set of tips mick, great use off materials :thumbup:
Thanks Mike. Concrete's the best - very durable (6" of rain in two days last week!).
Well, I did try to run a couple of battery powered trains and then came up with a couple of little niggles. One was the little Kitson (four AA's in the truck) - not enough power from rechargeables - and the other was the railbus derailing on my home-made 30 degree crossing. In the end I gave up because I need to get on with my station building. Anyway a few pics ..

C.D.V.B.T. (Castlederg & Victoria Bridge Tramway) Kitson crosses the Moy bridge on its first trip across under battery power ..


The new addition to our household (Tommy) observing ....


... and Tommy looking for an escape route at the train slowly moves towards him...


The more powerful railcar (2 AA's) brushes past the encroaching vegetation ...


On the bridge .....


Approaching the partially completed station ....


Finally - last straw - derailing on the crossing. I need to replace with R3 curves, points and 22 degree crossing....

I recently purchased a couple of short freight cars from Big Jack (Steve) and my son brought them down yesterday afternoon. This gave me the opportunity to run something (after the recent deluges) so I chose an Aristo Rodgers (Galloping Gertie) to haul a short train (the two 'new' cars, a flat, a Hartland C&S car and a USA Trains caboose. Our kitten tried to ambush the train but shied away when it approached ....






The freight cars will be in operation tomorrow on my trailer layout and are a welcome addition to my freight stock. Thanks Steve:thumbup:
Cheers you two. As for the cat, we might well have him orchestrated when he's old enough - that should tame him a little:rolf::rolf::rolf:
About a week ago I posted in a Coffee lounge thread about things (models) to be seen at Irish shows. I promised to post some pics of the trailer layout but cannot get back into that thread. So, as the trailer is part of my Ox Mountain Railway (albeit differentiated by the insertion of 'model' in the title), I decided to post recent pics in this thread.

It shows, in the main, how the trailer is 'operated' - from setting up to running trains.
It does represent a lot of work (and heartache) and this might be the last full year of operation as It is getting difficult to cope. But, that's another matter and bridge to cross. So, meanwhile, here's some pics - mostly from yesterday (and this morning) - plus a few from recent months to put things into context.

Looking towards (from the operator's point of view) the rear of the trailer (back end) .....






Looking towards the towing end ......





The gandy dancers are hidden from the onlookers view and,sometime, make an appearance between trains ....


More to follow .....
... here's the back shelves (with running line below), on which are placed locos and stock ready for placing on the track. It saves a lot of time and continuous bending and struggling! ....



Bridging the gap - a few coffee stirrers, etc. ......


The batteries (only in the trailer during the operating period due to the need for safe transport and charging once back home). They are also used for scenery lighting and for the two 20w lights on the ceiling ...


The analogue controls. There are nine switchable track sections - plus a remote 'on and off' if I need to stop and rerail something. Running more than two trains can lead to a few unscheduled problems! .....


Below baseboard storage at the from (tow hitch) end. My ubiquitious collection of veg boxes each hold two tender locos, or three coaches, or ....... There are twelve boxes at this end of the trailer when packed for travel ....


At the rear end, These are just there for operatin freedom (to reach all the other boxes!). Normally the larger boxes (stored outside under the end baseboard when operating) reside here ....


The large boxes - the biggest placed inside a storage bag in case the ground is wet outside ...


The rear portion (which slopes upwards to give the trailer ground clearance when the transition from road to field might be an abstacle), houses ramps, jacks, packing, fence and canopy supports, the bridge, my 3-legged stool, mats, etc. .....

The baseboards stand up inside the end frameworks - here they are virtually denuded of senic items. This latter aspect takes 45 minutes to set up, coupled with the fence, canopy inserts and the new rain screen makes a total of 75 minutes set-up or take-down time. If the ground is uneven and serious levelling is required, this can add another 15 minutes to the set-up time! .....



The screen, info board and canopy infil panels are ratchet-strapped to the side ....


The offside access door was originally one-piece, which meant it was often left open for a 'through draught'. This invited young (and much older) to interfere with the lift-out bridege and cause problems so, last year. I converted it to a stable door to keep'em out! ....


The baseboard, looking from the outside .....


Supported from the canopy stays .....


Pinned and located to the main part of the layout - the metal tabs also locate and secure the boards during transit .....


The new screens are simple and light (even the 4'x6' can be lifted with one finger) and stored where the fencing used to go ....


The fencing as it was last year - now the long from has been further extended by 2 ft (made two seven sections) and two sections (ex-front 6ft's) now placed on the return ends to further distance inquisitive hands when the weather screens are not required .....


After that marathon, maybe more after another show.
Is that 45 tonner holding its cheeks in.................

or is it now a 40 tonner ?? :rolf::rolf::rolf:
Thanks for these photos, Mick, they clearly show how much you've got in a relatively small space (what is the area, btw?) and gthe degree of detail, too. I'm sorry to read that you may be giving up the trailer as it's bound to be very much missed, especikally by the younger folk, but I can understand why.

Look forward to seeing more photos of the rest of the layout. (Edit: these were posted while I was writing this message!)
Rhinochugger said:
Is that 45 tonner holding its cheeks in.................

or is it now a 40 tonner ?? :rolf::rolf::rolf:

Plastic surgery - nothing added, just taken away - no weight limit here:rolf::rolf::rolf:
playmofire said:
Thanks for these photos, Mick, they clearly show how much you've got in a relatively small space (what is the area, btw?) and gthe degree of detail, too. I'm sorry to read that you may be giving up the trailer as it's bound to be very much missed, especikally by the younger folk, but I can understand why.

The trailer body is nominaly 14' x 6' but, with the addition of the end boards, it works out at nearly 22'. I reckon there's some 120ft of track (inc nine points).

I am not going to give up all together - might limit myself to four very local shows - but I need to find our my health is going to pan out when I revisit the horse spittal at the end of the month.

I have another option, which is to strip the trailer down to its' chassis and extend to give a 21ft body with everything set up ready and only the fence to worry about.
Trouble is the bodyframe is integral with the chassis. I need to give it some serious thought. My wife used to help, but advancing arthritis has made things difficult, so my son helps now (but it's not his cup of tea).
Rhinochugger said:
trammayo said:
Rhinochugger said:
Is that 45 tonner holding its cheeks in.................

or is it now a 40 tonner ?? :rolf::rolf::rolf:

Plastic surgery - nothing added, just taken away - no weight limit here:rolf::rolf::rolf:
I've added me nameplates :thumbup::thumbup:


The qualifier is missing - "BIG":rolf::rolf::rolf:

But it suits it:thumbup:
Having cancelled the rest of my show visits, I needed to mothball the trailer for the winter. Not much to do really just remove things like batteries and the locos (for servicing and storage) and make sure I haven't left anything edible inside.

Anway, with nine locos awaiting attention, and a fine couple of hours (a day or two ago:rolf: ), I decided to test one or two on the garden line. ....

My first loco - over six years old and many, many miles under its belt - bought as part of A Big Hauler freight set. 177 departs from the newly completed station for the High Level line ...


Its a stiff climb (1:30) immediately out of the station ....


The climb isn't made any easier with the curve around the mountain side ....


Approaching the summit. Soon the the train will turn 360 degrees on the R1's ...


Ivy ledge - there is away through this ever-encroaching plant (but only just)...


Its a down grade all the way to the main line. Just leaving the cantilever bridge ....


The steep down grade is tackled at a steady throttle .....


Anothe B.H. (what else?). Treat 'em right and look after them! 1225 crosses the main line's viaduct en-route for the station ....


Approaching the station ....

Yesterday, I thought I'd test one of my R/C first generation Big Haulers (the one I blathered in paint to make it look different). I had a few problems with it and traced it to a faulty plug. I havent fixed it yet but I did manage to truly test it.

I've never tried it on the High Level line because of the 1:30 grade and was surprised it pulled two J & S coaches up without problem .....

Setting off .....


Rounding the H/L trestle loop .....


On the main line's cross link ....


Rejoining the main line - passing through Lighthouse Cutting ....


On the extension - returning to the main line - this gave an opportunity to see the range of the control (about 35ft - the loco continues in forward motion if it loses signal) .....


On Moy Bridge .....


Regaining the main line .....


Normally, I'll use the two BH's on one control on seperate tracks - or use one or the other on my trailer layout whilst setting up - so this was the first time (as far as I can remember) that I've had one out on the new extension or, indeed the HL or Link lines. Pleased there were no problems (apart from the whine of the gears nearly drowns out the chuff).
Mate you never cease to fail to impress! As if the station wasn't good enough....