Roundhouse battery loco, pre-purchase questionnaire

I just want to convert one loco now! That's enough for me!

Why do I need Rx65-2-S

and not any of following?


Do I need 2 wires if I don't intend to use charging sockets?
So if I need charging socket, then it would be 4 wires model?

Is S=screw terminal preferable over R=JST terminal?

Mobi said:
I just want to convert one loco now! That's enough for me!

Why do I need Rx65-2-S

and not any of following?


Do I need 2 wires if I don't intend to use charging sockets?
So if I need charging socket, then it would be 4 wires model?

Is S=screw terminal preferable over R=JST terminal?


I didn't say you needed the Rx65-2-S, that was just my recommendation because you indicated that soldering was a concern, so I figured screw terminals would be the easy option.

I recommended the Rx65-2 because that is the receiver for Trains with single control for throttle with centre off (great big knob like a traditional model railway controller).

If you go for the "R" (JST connectors) you will still of course need the appropriate opposing male/female JST connectors on your motor and battery outputs to make the connection between motor, battery and receiver/ESC. So you would either have to a) fit the connector(s) or b) solder a short length of cable to the relevant outputs with a the appropriate JST connector fitted (Mike Darby at Chuffed2Bits sells JST connectors with a short length cable fitted).

Sorry, just spotted your question about batteries with JST connectors, Chuffed2Bits supply these too with the JST already fitted.

I don't think that any one variant is preferable to another "R", "S", "W" etc., it depends on your level of confidence as to which to go for. As I said earlier, I go for the "W" = wired option as this gives me more options for connection (connect via screw terminal (chocolate block), JST, or Tamiya race pack connectors (readily available from Maplin).
Did anyone use these?

solderless plug [male, supplier]

solderless socket [female, receiver]
I bought the solderless socket & plug and they do work as advertised.

I also learnt that Wago 224-201 connectors are of similar type.

Now my next problem is how to connect wires from remote receiver to motor block. Is there any plug type thing which attaches directly on top of those 2 pins coming out of motor block?
Mobi said:
I bought the solderless socket & plug and they do work as advertised.

I also learnt that Wago 224-201 connectors are of similar type.

Now my next problem is how to connect wires from remote receiver to motor block. Is there any plug type thing which attaches directly on top of those 2 pins coming out of motor block?

Mark (Muns) at GRO sells the little crimp-on connectors that push onto the LGB connector pins.

As I said before.. PM me your address, and I will send you a few with wires already attached..

PM = Personal Message, the little speech bubble under my name on the left..

Mobi said:
I bought the solderless socket & plug and they do work as advertised.

I also learnt that Wago 224-201 connectors are of similar type.

Now my next problem is how to connect wires from remote receiver to motor block. Is there any plug type thing which attaches directly on top of those 2 pins coming out of motor block?

I had a bag of LGB Crimps for you when you visited but forgot to give you them. Still here if you not managed to get any any before your next visit.
@PhilP - thanks, private message sent

@dunnyrail - thanks, my little one is looking forward to see your garden railway museum next month ;D

Do I have to solder anything to these crimp connectors?

I am still undecided on battery. How much voltage do I really need? Deltang won't handle over 16 V.

My DCC board is still attached. Should I take this one out and just connect battery power to motor block? Doing so I'd lose the lighting feature.

If I keep the DCC (but feed battery power instead of track power), that will eat up 5 V which seems a lot considering my max voltage won't be anywhere near 20-24 V.
Pm replied..

Cables in the post..

No, the wires I am sending you have the connector for the motor-block pins fitted to one end.. You should be able to connect these directly to your connectors on the controller.

You will not need anything like the maximum voltage that is available..
Was the loco fast enough when you fed a 9V battery to the motor? - possibly a little slow??
I would suggest a 12V battery pack would be more than adequate for your needs..

Personally, I would remove the decoder. - Less chance of something going wrong, and more space for the batteries..
If you have a on/off switch, the lights can be wired in such a way as to be on when the loco is running, and correct for direction..

(You will now get several people offering ways to do this)! ;) ;)
Where do I buy Deltang componets from? The website suggests several retailers and all of them look like one man band companies!

Deltang webiste is showing this circuit diagram.

As I am using AA batteries, I think I can do away with charger. Do I need switch? I think Deltang controller can reverse polarity.

So, my diagram will be very simple - 2 wires (with correct polarity) from battery pack to Rx board and 2 wires from Rx board to motor pins (polarity does not matter).

Am I correct?
Where do I buy Deltang componets from? The website suggests several retailers and all of them look like one man band companies!

Deltang webiste is showing this circuit diagram.

As I am using AA batteries, I think I can do away with charger. Do I need switch? I think Deltang controller can reverse polarity.

So, my diagram will be very simple - 2 wires (with correct polarity) from battery pack to Rx board and 2 wires from Rx board to motor pins (polarity does not matter).

Am I correct?

In respect of buying Deltang, you can buy direct from Deltang themselves via Paypal, Just email David at Deltang with your requirements and payment details. He'll then raise a Paypal invoice and despatch you kit once the payment is completed. Delivery is very quick.

email: dtATflyelectricDOTorgDOTuk (in the address provided replace the "AT" part with @ and the "DOT" parts with full stops . )
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I tried to put battery pack inside the loco and it seems at most I can fit 8 AA batteries in the cab with still enough space for RC receiver.

If I order the Rx65b with screw terminals, it will increase the size of receiver considerably and I worry whether I can fit it inside cab along with battery :sweat:

The space inside the hood is so narrow that it is kind of useless. So only the cab remains for any real use. Even after ripping of engine driver figure, it is still very tight.

If I use Rx65b JST version, how do I fit wires from motor and battery into it? Can I fit JST terminals to any wires?
I tried to put battery pack inside the loco and it seems at most I can fit 8 AA batteries in the cab with still enough space for RC receiver.

If I order the Rx65b with screw terminals, it will increase the size of receiver considerably and I worry whether I can fit it inside cab along with battery :sweat:

The space inside the hood is so narrow that it is kind of useless. So only the cab remains for any real use. Even after ripping of engine driver figure, it is still very tight.

If I use Rx65b JST version, how do I fit wires from motor and battery into it? Can I fit JST terminals to any wires?

You may have to consider Li-Ion batteries. A 4s1p 1700 mah Li-Ion pack will be smaller than 8 AA's.
Talking of getting batteries to fit..

Is 12V enough for a 'sensible' top-speed with a Revolution controller?
The follow-up question being:
Can you fit 10 AA's and the Revolution RX/ECS in a 'stainz' tender?
What is Revolution??

Deltang Rx65b is rated for 3-16 V input. What is the size of receiver? From Deltang site it appears to be just 4 cm (or 4 inches?) long.

I have ordered a 10 AA box to see if I can fit that one.

Not too keen putting stuff on a tender. That'd be the last option.
The CFR has recently taken delivery of a Roundhouse "Harlech Castle" locomotive. The diesel sound is far superior to the older "Cricceth Castle" locomotives. Operating time also seems to be longer.
I have placed an order for Deltang Rx65b-2-S + Tx21

Let's see if I am successful at fitting it. :nerd:

Can the receiver be hidden inside the hood? Does it require to be "visible" to transmitter/controller? I guess radio frequency can travel thru obstructions.