The EJ&KLR: Austrian narrow gauge in Cheshire

Re:The EJ&KLR project

Thanks Steve - I'm going to try and focus on just the Rugens detailing and the station now until Christmas, whilst pondering and gathering information for my Roll-wagen project. It was lovely to spend some time in the garden this weekend, a little emotional with Christmas approaching and it was this time last year that I started talking about the project with Dad. LGB has a lot to answer for in my house, but it's been the saviour of my sanity I think in the past 11 months, keeping me focused on something... and I hope that's a firm foundation for many years to come.

On a slightly less 'serious' note - one thing I've noticed is, yes the line is VERY simple in track plan, and all I tend to do is get out a couple of trains and leave them running - but I don't get bored because I can only operate once a month.

One other thing I've noticed, is that all the concerns people expressed about building on a flexible road bed have not been a problem. The ballast needs topping up once a month, and some parts of the foundations have been tamped a few times but settled down nicely now. The next few months will be a real test, but as it's all largely sand and stone, and free draining, I hope to report back next year that the winter has only resulted in the normal sort of maintenance rather than anything more serious. The worst part of the line actually is the bridge - this is the only thing that 'moves' when trains go over it - and hence the ballast both sides needs regular tamping to firm it all up again. To those not familiar, when I say 'tamping' what I mean is poking and prodding the ballast material between the sleepers and underneath the sleepers - before topping up with fresh stone material.

I hope to write something up of my 'first year' in a more formal way in the new year :)
Re:The EJ&KLR project

James, you write well and you take a good photo, why not send your article to Mr Gorton who has appealed for articles to publish? (I dont know what they pay though)
Re:The EJ&KLR project

I shall look forward to that ! It also reminds me that I had better do something about renewing my subscription.:nail:
Re:The EJ&KLR project

nice artical in the continental modeller James, well done. :)
Re:The EJ&KLR project

Ah I wondered when that was going to be published - I've not seen a copy myself! Thanks for the heads up - I'll try and pick up a copy this week - I didn't think it was out until later this week, so I presume you're a subscriber?
Re:The EJ&KLR project

Yes James dropped through the letter box today. Good 4 pages worth with many of your full colour photos. Couple of pictures of your line and I believe the last one is taken @ Bruce?s line.

Still thinking of having a go at doing a similar conversion, have the loco ready but haven?t got the nerve yet.
Re:The EJ&KLR project

It could well be Andrew as I did submit a few taken when I visited Bruce's line earlier this year :)

I'd say, 'do it' - take your time, list out the steps you need to complete, get the right tools and materials and make a start. Perhaps start with the tanks as they're non destructive as they fit over the existing moulding. Then if they go well progress from there. I went the whole hog and moved the lights onto the ends of the tanks - which sounds difficult but was surprisingly easy.
Re:The EJ&KLR project

Well it's not quite the EJ&KLR, as really it's just two 300 mm straights dropped in the snow, posed with my Liliput (Bachmann) Dieselok (Davenport) out in today's snow...




I realised I haven't got any snow clearing equipment for the line - so I'll look into making something (not train mounted) so I can run in the snow at Christmas (if we get a white one)...
Re:The EJ&KLR project

Every railway should have one :bigsmile::bigsmile::bigsmile::bigsmile::bigsmile:

I think the dimensions come from Gareth 3 Valve :thumbup::thumbup:

Re:The EJ&KLR project

Very enjoyable set of pictures, James. The line's really starting to mature and looks bedded in. I do like ground level trains, though I can see that being a problem after a certain age. Luckily you have plenty of time yet :) Looking forward to seeing what another year's progress will bring.

What's your scheme for leaf removal ? I'd imaging a leaf-blower would play havoc with the ballast, so perhaps the old park-keepers stand-by a broom handle with a spike at one end (??).

Your complimentary copy of CM with accompanying cheque should be coming through your letterbox any-time now; 4 pages-worth should be a nice railway bonus for Christmas.
Re:The EJ&KLR project

Thanks Giles - I hope to re-take them with the renumbered and modified Rugens at some point :) The complementary copy of CM and cheque arrived a month ago - and yes it went into the railway pot, part funding the Rugens and some parts for my new projects (a Roll-wagen and a steel bodied brake van).
Re:The EJ&KLR project

Get a few more articles like James' and Mel's in the big circulation mags and it all helps to get more people interested who might look on garden railways as having more possibilities than just pootling round. Lots who've seen Klein Arosa commented that they'd never considered G before as it was too big or not serious modelling! Might get a few more reading Garden Rail too to look for inspiration.
RM and CM have always been supportive of the large scales and the article looked good as well as providing inspiration. You ought to get the railway written up too James ;) would be good in the summer issues where they traditionally feature garden lines.
Re:The EJ&KLR project

Yes Paul hopefully, it would be nice to think it encourages people to try the larger scales. I've spoken with Andrew at CM and Tag at GR about doing something on the line, they'd be very different articles aimed at different audiences. I'll see what I can pen up in the coming months. The new book (Nick Trudgeon's 'A Garden Railway Adventure' has been a massive source or inspiration in the past 24 hours... One day, one day I'll have something that looks as mature and natural!
Re:The EJ&KLR project

jameshilton said:
One other thing I've noticed, is that all the concerns people expressed about building on a flexible road bed have not been a problem. The ballast needs topping up once a month, and some parts of the foundations have been tamped a few times but settled down nicely now. The next few months will be a real test, but as it's all largely sand and stone, and free draining, I hope to report back next year............

Floating on ballast is fine, but the maintenance of the garden is the issue, especially if, like me, you have deciduous trees nearby (they belong to the local council sadly)

I went for a gravel size that I hoped was large enough not to be sucked up by a garden vacuum - sure the ballast is oversize, but at least it doesn't disappear up the hoover in (expensive) bag loads :bigsmile:
Re:The EJ&KLR project

I'm quite lucky - the line doesn't have any deep cuttings and the leaves have mostly blown clear as they dried out. The Rugens photos show what was left, and as the line is only short I just picked up the ones on the track by hand. I'd never use a leaf blower, it could completely destroy the ballast - if I had too I'd use a 'spike on a stick' but for now I'm nimble enough to get low and do it by hand.

It does look good at ground level, but if I was older it would be too much bending - definitely something for me to consider in the future if/when I build a second line somewhere.

Although I wasn't in Chester this weekend, my brother was, and took this photo...

I did say he could have got a train out! Looks good though doesn't it...
Lots of rain up here today though so I expect it's all melted :(

Looking forward to visiting on Sunday for a few days!!!
Re:The EJ&KLR project

I love the Davenport in the snow James. Wish I could see that article. We ar having a snow drought this year. We had that oct snow and then 1/2 inch 2 weeks ago. Other then that its been mild. Looking forwrd to running in the snow. Your layout looks great in the snow.
Re:The EJ&KLR project

Had a lovely day playing trains today... it'll take 5 posts to get them all online so enjoy :)
I had TONS of fun, great to run all my stuff - everything but the railcar out...









