The EJ&KLR: Austrian narrow gauge in Cheshire

Re:The EJ&KLR project

Excellent service from Jeremy and the team at Dragon G-scale - 99% of my track order in just over a week despite some of it not being in stock. Just waiting on two points now, due early next week!

Just as exciting, Jeremy also helped me source some bogie coaches for a very reasonable price. These are in a good condition, one being a 1980s vintage one I believe and the other two perhaps mid 1990s? I am considering a light touch refurb rather than a full repaint - basically just re-spraying the roofs a dark grey colour - and potentially adding some passengers.

My daughter loves the working toilet seat too - these are already a hit despite them being 'Daddy's coaches' I'm sure one will end up with her train (as I only really need two for my U-class).
Re:The EJ&KLR project

Glad you finally got the bogie coaches! Look to be in good condition too...There my favourite coach that LGB have made :love:
Re:The EJ&KLR project

Milestone reached today - the track was assembled outside for the first time and a momentus occasion as Elly drove her Stainz (now named 'Frank' apparently) around the line :)

Here are some photos - I've done more of a writeup on the blog... Qui...36/839c4ab5f07043958064acc4a6fc182d.jpg[/IMG]
Re:The EJ&KLR project

Conratulations there James, now your out there the bug will bite even harder! :D
Re:The EJ&KLR project

Good start, I can understand the temptation to go sophisticated straight off and I think you'll find your holding back rewarded as you will learn all you need about construction and settling before you try the more ambitious bits. When you can extend maybe split the new line off near the station but with a tunnel or cutting inbetween. That way you separate it scenically and use most of the current loop for a plain run before diverging onto the new line so you can run it as an end to end railway or just use the loop to sit back and play.
Re:The EJ&KLR project

Major progress to report this weekend guys...
A few weeks ago I managed to fell and clear the old tree and this weekend I've knocked down the walls, laid out the line and worked out the new wall position - as well as getting a lot of playing done - it is Sunday after all...

Testing has proven the layout fits, which slabs need removing and clearances are ok with all the rolling stock and locomotives - most important! Not at all fun getting it all out!
We've also got the inside track out, allowing testing to run into the evenings...

Full progress updates (as usual) on my blog: Som...MG][/IMG]
Re:The EJ&KLR project

Looks big enough so it doesn't look crowded so there's definitely potential for turning it into a end to end line if more serious operation takes your fancy in the future. Obviously keeping the roundy option for sitting back and playing ;)
I'm very tempted to follow your lead with the Bachman diesel too but Anglicanise it for Camberwick.
Re:The EJ&KLR project

Thanks guys!

Paul putting on a different cab would make a massive visual difference - a slightly taller cab would shout 'British' for me...
However for my purposes, this minimum effort re-working is very effective - it's runs absolutely beautifully - I reckon it's magic, it runs better than a short, small wheeled rigid locomotive should do!
Re:The EJ&KLR project

Yes perfect for your line with the subtle mods and as small foreign industrials were used in the UK it might not even need too much modification. Got another couple of things to build first but if I happen to come across one in a shop . . . ;)
Re:The EJ&KLR project

Thanks guys!

Well I've ordered some sand, gravel and mortar to build the wall and establish a level and sound road bed. I've also ordered enough top soil to fill the gaps and give a little 'relief' to the centre of the layout. I'll be back in Chester next weekend to start building the wall - we'll see how far we get. My current hope is to have track down before my Dad's birthday at the end of June.

One outstanding issue is sourcing some ballast. I reckon I want limestone from the sound of it, ideally 6mm and smaller? Yeah? Struggling to find it in B&Q/Homebase/Travis Perkins. Where have other' sourced theres from? It needs to be sharp edged and contain some fines as it's going to be used to actually 'hold' the track in position.
Re:The EJ&KLR project

If you really want limestone then go to a builders merchant and ask to look at what used to be called "half inch to dust". Once, this was exactly what you got - limestone in sizes from half inch 'pebbles' to dust - but now tends to be very much smaller to dust. Throw it through a graden sieve should give you sizes no bigger than 5mm round. Add a little cement and your ballast will set - but not enough that it couldn't be broken up again if necessary.

Failing that garden centres usually have bags of either 'Alpine Grit' or 'Horticultural Grit' on offer (3 or 4 bags for a tenner) the only difference being in the colour. One is predominantly pinkish the other buff. Nicely sharp and uniform. Holds together well.
Re:The EJ&KLR project

Hi James, didn't you have any luck finding the small grey limestone chippings I mentioned in another recent thread?
Checking the website of the local supplier I use, I actually couldn't see them listed anywhere - but I was there yesterday buying five more bags! So I think the lesson is don't rely on just what people show on websites, it's best to actually go to the builders merchants and/or garden centres near you and look at what they have.
Re:The EJ&KLR project

I've been sketching out a revised station building design ever since the weekend when I mocked up the original (inspired by the W&L at Llanfair) and it felt too small and just not right for the station area.

Full story on the blog - in short, a mix of Austrian and Canadian prototypes inspired by some memories from family holidays and Mum's recollections of some of Dad's last trip to Canada.


It's 420mm long, 220mm wide and about 210 high - similar in proportion to the engine shed... I seem to have developed a 'house style' (at least in my mind), so that the shed and this building seem to tie together - which is perfect. I hope to start in the next few weeks.