UK Railway Signaller and Garden Railway Operator

The Kamel is now banned. It is the only loco that does not fit, but its my dads loco that I sometimes pinch. Not anymore though. Regarding the CS3, so far so good. I will be doing the points next month, and while the instructions seem ok, it does not explain how it recognises, as marklin call it, a multidecoder, with 4 available 'port's. Sorry for not knowing the correct terminology.Have you tried the Piko Kamel through that bridge yet????
By the way, that CS3 setup is looking good? Keep us posted about points and signals control please....
Do the motors have to be connected to the 'multi decoder' when put on the programming wire all together or one at a time?I do not think you will have problems with 'multidecoders'..
It will recognise an LGB unit (and its' base address), so should assign the next three addresses automagically!
If you have the Massoth equivalent, you can set each 'channel' on the decoder to have a totally different address, so it should discover this as well??