The Woodlock Line

Do the motors have to be connected to the 'multi decoder' when put on the programming wire all together or one at a time?

As I understand it, you only need one motor on the LGB decoder..
I have not 'played' with a Massoth unit.. You may need a motor on the channel you are programming?? - Mark will jump in and tell, I am sure!
Do the motors have to be connected to the 'multi decoder' when put on the programming wire all together or one at a time?
You have to connect a point motor to give the decoder a 'load' to sense for programming....
You have to connect a point motor to give the decoder a 'load' to sense for programming....
Into each output of the point decoder? So I would have four motors connected to it, or one at a time working through each output with a motor?
Into each output of the point decoder? So I would have four motors connected to it, or one at a time working through each output with a motor?
Hi Duncan,

You only need to connect one point motor to the decoder. Have a look at Page 16 of the CS3 Manual. A link to the manual is here:

Here is a link to programming the LGB55025:


Fence is my biggest frustration from a picture taking point of view so I went to B&Q and found some off cuts of AstroTurf to disguise my fence where the line runs along side it. Had a few trains out too.
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A fair few locos on the railway today as I add my dad's locos to my CS3 set up. Loads more to go another day.
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And a little maintenance. To stop ballast slipping down the embankment I built a new wooden returning wall.....
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I have battled driving rain. Wind. Snow and I'm bloody cold. But..... I have put my point motors on, all wired up with the decoder in the box. I love this CS3 set up. Here are a few pictures.....
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Well done!

I like the economical use of using 4 motors for facing points only and allowing the 2 trailing points to 'push through' on your passing loops....
Well done!

I like the economical use of using 4 motors for facing points only and allowing the 2 trailing points to 'push through' on your passing loops....
Ha. That was me been a cheap skate northern England Yorkshire type person. But that middle road mainly gets used as a siding from the other end. I will in due course get a motor on it and maybe some signals. But for now I have just committed to my first MFX loco. The LGB Porter.
Ha. That was me been a cheap skate northern England Yorkshire type person....

Same as I then?

Originally a Leeds lad, so I still have short arms and deep pockets....
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