The Woodlock Line

Rather like the way you have lost some of the Fence with Grass Mat. Have a load of Mat from Lidl that I need use up. Could be the perfect solution, perhaps with some Trees Sprayed on. Hm experimentation perhaps in the weeks to come.
It really has greened up the garden! Especially on those generally dull days.
Neat sound recording. I like the slow pop of the engine - sounds like a single cylinder.
Slightly off topic on the subject of screening fences, these days you can buy artificial ivy on a roll, it's for instant screening or to hide wheelie bins etc, sounds like it could have a use as a backdrop for a garden railway without the fear of it spreading. Just a thought.

Slightly off topic on the subject of screening fences, these days you can buy artificial ivy on a roll, it's for instant screening or to hide wheelie bins etc, sounds like it could have a use as a backdrop for a garden railway without the fear of it spreading. Just a thought.

Once had some to cover the rabbit fence a few years ago, it was ok too,
DSC_0173.JPG A few pics of the circuit now complete showing the extent of what has more than doubled the running length. The original circuit has by default become a storage area for multiple trains and still keeps a short circuit option for when I don't want to run out of the garden up the drive way..... I have noticed kid looking on hehe.
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Need to get my last points motorised and a point decoder but I have spent too much this month apparently. Humph.......