What happened at your workbench today?

Nothing happened at the workbench per se, but having just got back from Malvern, after going on from the show on Sunday, I got stuck in to getting on with the second circle of track on the rebuilt Vibona Bridge Railway. Got about a third of the way around, too, ere the darkness happened.

We have already successfully circumnavigated the outer circle, 'Harlech Castle' piloting a short train with a traditional vampire bunny on it, but we expect to be running on both sets of track by the weekend. One benefit is that the new track is some 9 non-metric inches higher than the previous iteration, something that my creaky old back will be grateful for, no doubt. Lifting the heavily-built container holding my Accucraft NGG16 requires stout thews, and although Mrs tac has experience from her coal round, she would rather not lift weights like that any more than she has to, and prefers to save her efforts for bags of nutty-slack....

BTW, anybody there happen to see the new Bowande Beyer-Garratt on the GRS stand? It was in photoanstrichgrau, and looked magnificent. Ordering at the show meant that you be saving £500 on the price post-April......
I did consider that, not least because 50% of the Mtroniks soundcard is a flat, black heatsink, which is easy to pass off as a case for something. But the wiring loom has several wires running from it, in addition to a chunky connector, which were quite hard to hide. It made me realise just how neatly packaged the Deltang-type receivers are...
I managed to run the necessary wires through a black bendy straw. Always a useful backup location even if only for the speaker.
A fellow g scaler had two faulty LGB point motors. One is missing the rack with the operating pins....can’t do much with that.
The second one has well corroded screw terminals.
Somewhere......I have spare terminals.....but could I find them?

A shout to PhilP saw me collect a few from him at the recent Fosse garden rail show
Wrap the wire around the new pins, and solder up. Re-assemble. Then test, I find a PP3 battery is handy for this, swapping the battery round to check both directions.
Now, not to ‘loose’ this bag of connectors!

Well worth having a few to hand for those rainy days and small repair jobs that can be done indoors.
As mentioned, PhilP has these, at a cost of some loose change!

I will keep the rackless point motor for a future repair.....or a source of parts

I've not found a source of replacement racks for EPL points

Perhaps an enterprising person could 3D print....and make them available

I did buy some used EPL motors at the Fosse show for £10 each.

I tried my hand at custom water-slide decals for the first time today. Not too shabby, if I do say so myself...

The only thing I haven't done to this car is spray a top coat.

I might try something like that for my Bernina wagons - these are just repaints of the starter set wagons in grey, but I would need to do a bit of research on what lettering they had and the fonts. I've had the paper for years so may as well use it.
I might try something like that for my Bernina wagons - these are just repaints of the starter set wagons in grey, but I would need to do a bit of research on what lettering they had and the fonts. I've had the paper for years so may as well use it.
I'm glad I could be of inspiration, Craig!