Hi all, this project got a bit side-lined. Due medical reasons and just plain getting stuck and losing motivation. It took a while to work out a way forward without having to undo too much work , which for me was pretty difficult work to do in the first place . Removing the medium rocks was a big help and it allowed me to look at things in a new light .
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I moved the lower section in the back wall to the left a few metres, easily done with the stacking blocks. Digging out a valley as a over flow from the pond to the wall drain . Not easily done , as someone had the clever idea to fill the lower sections with old concrete. Thankfully there was only really one large piece to break up , the rest were smaller pieces .I managed to shift the back of the pond forwards without having to remove the liner or large rocks already in it. this gave me room to put in even bigger rocks behind it and there is space for two tracks to go.
To my eyes this section looks terrible at the moment . I hope once the pond is filled and the water fall going. Some cement added to fill in some gaps and a heap of ground covers and small bushes added to fill gaps and break up the mass of rocks . That it will look ok .
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The large rock on the left sits over the bog filter for the pond. One track will go in front of it and the other behind it. Space to the right will be part of Arosa station , which in the future will extend up the driveway. Running parallel to the fence between where the besser blocks and trailer is now.
The cement works will be on a siding curving around to the left behind the dirt hill. Which will be covered in small bushes(1mhigh).
The main running tracks will have a radius around 900mm , but the approach into Arosa and the sidings will be 600mm radius, which I hope will be ok . The approach into Arosa will be in tunnel so the 600mm radius will be hidden.
Temporarily I will run round the big rock just to get a loop of track going this will have to be 600mm radius to fit.
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I picked up more blocks on sale , so I can take all the station areas up to what will be the finished track height. I had originally planned to build to this height, but after the blocks were ordered and delivered . I worked out a bit of a extension which used up a few blocks. I have used up all dirt and big rocks I brought home before. Thankfully I have a few more ute loads of each stored away and should be able to go grab them next week.
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Arosa station area is now up to track height. The gap in the top of the blocks will be a great space to run and join cables. I have put in flexible conduits to get around the solid end stop blocks . There are already two conduits in going to the workshop.
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Capstones finished. Just leaves the blocks for Langwies station to do on the weekend , its just too hot for me to continue today. Once the trailer is emptied I can bring home more dirt and rocks to continue on with.
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I only have really small rocks left, they didn't go as far as I thought they would. Guess I got a bit carried away around the pond and yes I did drive the tractor into that broken capstone at the front
