hi guys, and thanks... 1st of, iknew this was comming.. its a planed renewal.. and yes the track plan can be altered, infacd , a planning meeting is happening tommorw afternoon, if thigs go to plan, john, yes it a greman badgae car.. but the shit bits were removed and bined.. no point pussy footing about, i dont use it.. so a coach cjassey was sorced and fitted.. along with metal wheels and other bits.. the line is /might/not/ being convewrted to a twin track , with the goods shed, being moved, and the tracks lifted.. to facilitate, a twin track main line running through it.. and out on to the viadyuct as before.. im planning a sersise of lock gates, and of course, a cannel.. with a loading/unloading bay directly into a new goods shed.. the railway tracks will enter the building .. the voices demaded it, i simply have to follow the voices.......