Lazy Grange Bay 3...a new start
legs are really sore, cyaticka .. slow painfiull progress, but its progress, replaced the base under arkrights ect today.. well, finisded it off.. now pondering the final layout of track, buildings..

mike said:
hi guys, and thanks... 1st of, iknew this was comming.. its a planed renewal.. and yes the track plan can be altered, infacd , a planning meeting is happening tommorw afternoon, if thigs go to plan, john, yes it a greman badgae car.. but the shit bits were removed and bined.. no point pussy footing about, i dont use it.. so a coach cjassey was sorced and fitted.. along with metal wheels and other bits.. the line is /might/not/ being convewrted to a twin track , with the goods shed, being moved, and the tracks lifted.. to facilitate, a twin track main line running through it.. and out on to the viadyuct as before.. im planning a sersise of lock gates, and of course, a cannel.. with a loading/unloading bay directly into a new goods shed.. the railway tracks will enter the building .. the voices demaded it, i simply have to follow the voices.......

Bugger I'd have taken the sh*t bits off your hands mate. I've got two NQ bodies in need of a chassis, for an observation coach bash.

Rebuild is coming along nicely bud.
slowly working, and testing contunies.. built the last corner back to the main line, but need to bridge the gap, and the butress needs coaches, from steve lewise.. and ive made a start on the cannel..

i wish garath.. time is short, like me, and money even shorter!!

ta garath.. slow progress.. but its passing the smail;e test



.. got the bridge painted, still got to make the retaining walls/abutments for each side..

to continue with the rebuild, i needed to add a road bridge... i need to work out the maimum sizes needed .. 2-10-2 and pullman passenger cars were used.. along with the standard hight ect...
but 1st i visted a very good freind, Mr cut and shut, roy holt...

Your brickwork is the bee's knees!

Roy's counterbalanced cliff lift is fascinating!