Retired Oik

We did - just over 4 years agoMaybe the UK should start testing for "Mad EU" disease.

We did - just over 4 years agoMaybe the UK should start testing for "Mad EU" disease.
The ban on importing food into the EU appears to apply to ANYTHING that has originated from an animal (including dairy products) - so all meats and poultry, cooked or otherwise, milk, cheese, butter, eggs and anything that has those items as an ingredient. I have not yet worked out if that also means tinned foods. Consequently Mr caravan/camper van/motorhome/self-caterer will not be able to take their normal supplies with them on holiday when and if we are ever allowed to visit the United States of Europe. You can bet inward non UK travellers will not be subject to similar regulations or treatment.
Dunno if you've aver been bored enough to watch some of the minor channels, and the border control programmes.But the Dutch are only applying the deal the UK agreed and the UK applies similar rules on personal imports from some countries. And it's no different from the situation between the UK and the USA, say, over some foodstuffs.
Details on the EU arrangement can be found here: Personal Imports - Food Safety - European Commission
Jimmy,There has been a lot of discussion about VAT and particularly in connection with eBay the link below provides eBay's interpretation of the regulations, and how, as an intermediary they are going to manage their legal responsibility:
Your VAT obligations in the UK & EU
For those of you that are familiar with VAT this should be a surprise.
Well spotted, and now correctedJimmy,
Did you miss the word 'not' out of your last sentence?
Anyone who is vat registered, should have been aware of the changes coming in July..
The way changes are being interpreted at the moment, although known about, might be a surprise in the way companies, organisations, and individuals are implementing the changes.
Rules were due to change anyway, Brexit has added another layer to the admin.
Just a bit sooner, and with less information, as the final outcome was all a bit last minute.
Excellent news!Good news (well may not be news but I only just discovered this), no customs duty on model trains imported into UK.
Commodity code 9503003000: Electric trains, including tracks, signals and other accessories therefor; reduced-size (scale) model assembly kits - The Online Trade Tariff - GOV.UK
Just need to make sure they use the correct commodity code on the customs forms.
We're British, anger doesn't take too long to turn to acceptance, usually, if only grudginglyIt’s impressive the way y’all can maintain a civil conversation.
Interesting re the books, looking at the officialdegook I was certainly confused, so Maybach good luck with adding the correct code to get it back with no issues. That also assumes that the importers understand the complications as well. Beginning to wish that I had gone gauge 3 when I started the current Dunnybahn as I would have been using. British Components to scratch or kit-build exclusively. I can see such methods being the way in the future for many with less European layouts appearing except for the well healed.MaybachMD , like yourself, my own Garden Railway is based solely on European practise, which in itself limits the available list of suppliers.
I respectfully suggest as I did, was to contact each supplier or individual, and to ascertain what arrangements would be acceptable to continue to supply the items that I am likely to require.
As this is a Public Forum, I will not comment or provide any further information regarding any supplier or individual, read into that what you wish!
As for the return of your repair, as long as the correct code is used for it's return, it should have an easy journey back to yourself.....
I think you'll find that there are sufficient established importers of Heljan to ensure continuing supply, and the general principle of Brexit is no change in the trading terms with Europe.Jon
That is a very sad thought. I hope it doesn’t come to not being able to model what we like. My winter loft layout is 7mm modern image running Heljan, Danish company whose products are made in China. It is all international.