Interested in vintage commercial vehicle, trams, t

Mick, is that material sort of like plastic corrugated cardboard ? If so, it's used for temporary signs like political ones here. It's easy to work with, but as you say, needs bracing as it will warp over time in the sun.
Yes it is Dan - used as an internal wall cladding for the likes of bathrooms instead of tiling and slots together (it's hard to see the joints if done properly!). And yes it does need bracing well.
So some more done yesterday...

The basic structure now complete awaiting further reinforcing ......

So, just a couple of vertical angles to put in, and a sliding door to gain access when in use (as per the original stucture) .....

I might add that the control panel only acts as a large connector block, the rotary switches long ago fused in the closed position. The sections could be shut off, or stock reversed. It was, and is, an analogue system (and that describes me!).
Hope to get some more done today!