Following on from yesterday's Coffee Lounge thread, here's my take on the Bachmann front truck fitted to the Big Haulers.....
A pic of an improved BH ........
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..... here's some pics of its' pony truck ........
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The wires from the axle pick-ups sometimes cause problems .......
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.......... and very tight curves could result in this situation .......
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I wrap pieces of sheet lead around - making sure that the lead is insulated from the contact strips in case they protrude above the plastic! There is a coil spring between the truck and the curved slot (the pick-up wires normally go through the spring.
Next is a pic of an improved truck ......
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...... as can be seen, it has a radius arm that would be connected to the chassis - giving it two pivot points. It is mainly of diecast construction, with plastic being mainly used for insulation/appearance purposes.......
View attachment 302360....... the underside view.
Clearly, a problem had been finally recognised and this truck was Bachmann's answer. Personally, I found it worse (on my trailer layout) than the original truck! C'est la Vie!
I haven't purchased anymore of these loco for a few years so I don't know of the current design in use. Whatever problems I have experienced, I still like these locos - the first one (Bumble Bee 177) I purchased in 2005 got me involved in G Scale trains!. I was building a tramway in G Scale in the garden when I saw the trainset, via the Internet, at Kent Garden Railwas. The rest is history as the saying goes!